Week in Pictures for the Second of Week of May is finally up. Sorry it took so long but there have been changes a brewing, as you may or may not have noticed. I successfully switching web host providers and now have a lot more space to work with. I am also thinking about updating the website? Changing the layout of the journal...but I also want it to match the rest of the website. I hate it when one page looks completely different from all the rest of the pages. Hm. I'll think about that. I think I am going to change the book section -- since the databases didn't transfer thanks to a miscommunication between Tim and I -- to the section where I review the books I am currently reading. That way it will be a bit more interactive and interesting.
Have I mentioned how much this Xbox music thing rocks? Oh does it ever. Alright...next week should be good. Sigrid and Matt and getting hitched this weekend. Tons of folks are coming out for it... and it is going to be just like a college reunion. I am so freaking excited.
I just found out the couple that looked at Gypsy and passed. They decided to go for the other dog named Keeper. Sigh. I think Pluto ruined her chances ... or least contributed to it. He is such an attention hungry dog. He makes it seems like his very life depends on your affection. Bah. So next time he is banned to the bedroom for the visit. This totally sucks because next weekend we traveling to visit my Dad and going with TWO dogs in the back seat is not my idea of fun. We were only supposed to have them for "not more than two weeks." While I like having Gypsy around and she is adorable...this is very inconvenient. I may have to postpone the visit to my Dad's for another weekend. Sucky.
Well I have more crap to do today, so I should get to it. Have a good weekend folks.
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