Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Well I am back. Fucking test, I got seven wrong out of 25 and four of those was because of the program. I am so used to scrolling to the option I want and then clicking, but the program only allowed one move at a time. In actuality I only got three wrong. Fuckers. And my typing averaged to 65 words per minute because the letter 't' stuck on their keyboard, and off course the test used the word committee every other sentence. Blah. But overall, I apparently passed the requirements. I looked at the lady's list of people for today and tomorrow and counted six. Hopefully some of those were for other positions? One can hope. And I feel so dumb because I forgot to take out my lip ring. I hope it doesn't affect their decision to send my application onto the people who make interviews. Oh well, at least I can say I tried going through this open door of opportunity, in the end that is all that matters.

Uff the cat box in the office stinks! I need to clean that. Also the basement is smelling basementy...I wonder how I can fix that. I know I need to go down there and clean it - sweep and bleach mop floors. Perhaps I should do that today since it so overcast -- I won't feel like I am missing out on great day mired in the depths of my house.

After the test I went to State Street and got a coffee at the UW Book Store (the cheapest place to get quality coffee STILL!) and walked up State Street trying to find out where the detour for the number 3 bus went. I finally found it across the capital after walking several blocks out of my way. By the time I got home I finished the whole 20 oz, and MAN do I feel jittery. I rarely have that much coffee anymore. Now I am ready to take on anything (specially those cat boxes because I abhor the smell of cat piss). Tim made me bring an extra hoodie, addition to the jacket I was wearing, and boy am I glad. It was nippy out!


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