Friday, September 10, 2004

I think I will take some photos this weekend. It's been awhile. I can't completely abandon my idea either. Yesterday I made a punching bag! It's awesome and heavy, and hangs just right and now all I need to get is those bandage thingies to protect my knuckles. All I have are those slightly stretchy bandages...I don't want to cut circulation off to my hands. Is there some other kind of bandage I should know about? Like a straight bandage or something?

Callie and Jason were supposed to come up tonight, but now they are not. Oh well, they will be here tomorrow which is cool, but I kind of am tired of going to the Inferno. I am really getting inferno'd out.

Last night was scrabble night and we were all tired and cranky. I am still tired even though I went to bed at 12, and got up this morning at 8 for a half hour before laying down to 'rest my eyes' and wake up again at 11:00. Then again I didn't really sleep the night before and was up all day yesterday. That is how I was able to make the punching bag...I stayed up all night thinking about how to do it (and some great writing ideas).

I don't know what else to say publicly today.


Blogger zoey said...

are you going to do another week in pix? i like those--much fun.

9:35 PM  

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