Thursday, September 02, 2004

Super busy week! Tuesday night we went and had sushi with Ned and walked the length of State Street to look at all the youngun's reveling in their newfound freedom. I remember how great it was to finally be out on my own and have my own place to retire too...that was fun. You could actually taste the fruit of possiblity.

Last night was fun as well. We went to the Great Dane with a bunch of friends of Ben and Jen's (but we knew many of them), sat outside in the ivy garden and had fish and chips. Man I love that was so nice. The last time I was there I think it was with Melissa and Kersten? I might be wrong, but it was with good lady friends...I do remember that. Afterward we we went to the Inferno where they played awesome music, and there was a ton of people that I haven't talked to in a while....Nate, Kelly, more Ned, and of course Jen, Tiara, Angie, etc. It was just like old times, I had such a good time.

This morning we all had coffee and chatted leisurely like before everyone headed their seperate ways. Now I am all squeakified from a shower and about to get dressed and go to Woodmans to get stuff for a picnic. We are going to some Glacier Park over by Geneva to fish and look out for a lost greyhound. It escaped from an old lady two weeks ago and she has no interest in finding it, the track obviously doesn't care, and the dog is a spook. What is a spook? A dog that is afraid of humans and had other mental problems. Spooked hopefully Pluto will attract it's attention. Oh man, this is going to be fun though. A whole day of fishing, picnic and I couldn't have asked for better weather. Seriously, it's fantastic out!

Too bad I didn't take any pictures this week. I would take some today but my camera is full and I don't feel like downloading the pictures to empty it out. Somethings are better left in memory though.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alright!! Fishing!! yeah.

4:06 PM  
Blogger zoey said...

i WANT sushi!!! MMmmmmm!!! what kind did you have? i might have to run off to Durango for some yummy sushi... lucky you!!!

8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

phil here. i honestly can't believe i'm about to say this but... you know who has good tartar sauce for their friday night fish fry? [-sigh- here it comes...] cracker barrel.

no, i don't like cracker barrel, either; it's kitschy and gives off that kinda upscale while really not-vibe and has odd touches of lingering racism and just makes me feel old every time i go there. and the food clearly isn't good for you, either.

but, all that aside? as chain store fish fry's go, i have never met their equal. does it match the serving of crisp, salty perch with warm rye bread we used to be able to get in church basements on friday night when i was a little kid? no, of course not - it should come as no surprise that the ambience of even a church basement, sad to say, beats the soul-less corporate vapidity of a national fast food chain, hands down.

[but, well, the tartar sauce does actually top any i've ever had; seriously, it's really sweet and tangy, you wouldn't believe it. i think they use cole slaw in it, which is weird, since i don't like cole slaw! but i really like their tartar sauce.

and i love the fact that erin doesn't like tartar sauce, so i get hers!]

you know what this reminds me of? probably one of my Top 5 favorite lines from The Simpsons, from the one where homer gets the hair growing prescription and suggests in a meeting that more tartar sauce with the fishsticks in the cafeteria would improve morale.

and mr. burns agrees with this delicious evil cackle and his signature steepling of the hands. "Let the fools have their tar-tar sauce." i love that line! me and a guy i worked with in the WCC used to crack each other up over that all the time... ah, good times. [i believe that episode also contained the strong Top 10 contender, "I like the cut of your jib, Simpson!" also by monty burns, natch.]

11:07 PM  

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