Thursday, August 19, 2004

The High School job interview I had lots of enthusiasm, made great eye contact, shook hands firmly, was careful in my answers and sold myself. However, the questions were that very generic "we don't have lots of experience interviewing people" so the questions were hard to answer. At least by giving them what they wanted to hear. The interview was with three people: head principle, secretary to principle and another principle (who showed up half way through the interview). Now it's my impression that when someone doesn't show up or shows up halfway through -- that a couple tenths (thanks olympics) were taken off my score. The head principle was very bruque and distracted, the secretary was nice, and the other half late principle looked wiped and barely there. All said, I couldn't tell how I was doing and by looking at the sheets they were writing my comments on...I was fourth in line. I know there are no more interviews today because I overheard someone else asking for the room, but there might be one tomorrow. The head principle said that they were interviewing until I am pretty sure there is one more. So that means only one was knocked off from the six that I saw on the roster for the skills test. They said that they would let all of candidates know by Monday or Tuesday at the latest.

So....I think on a scale of 1-10, that it was a 6 versus the UW interview which was a 9.547. At this point I am thinking it is entirely likely that neither will take me. Bah. Thus with those feelings, I am going to go with Mike's great advice and just be .... er.. American. That is to say, take whatever job comes my way and then quit if I get a better offer. Why not? He's right, I don't owe anything to them and they don't owe anything to me, and this whole code of ethics thing is bullshit anyway. Then of course there is always the chance that the webperson for the UW job was savvy enough to check out my website and is currently reading all this and thinks I have no ethics to begin with. Ha. Oh well, make my bed and lay in it? It sure isn't that comfy right now.

At least I did my best and if nothing comes through -- then so be it. I should really be focusing on other goals anyway (even if the extra money would really be handy). But thanks to Phil and Mike for giving me great advice...maybe the comments feature is a good idea after all. :) As for the anonymous thing..don't worry about it. I don't expect everyone to start blogs just so they can have personalized name thingies.

In other news, Tim is sick today. He woke up not feeling great and decided after awhile to do a half day. He went off and then just came back complaining of a headache and chills. He is actually very warm, so I sent him to bed with some nyquil and an order to rest. Poor darling.

This darling should go and find something to eat so that I can have the energy to do the cleaning that needs to be done. Lots of mopping. One of my goals is to mop the party basement really good so that I can use it for a practice area. Last night was great at sparring. I actually got a hit off of Iron Man! Yeah, it was in the beginning and he was expecting my slow ass self...when I did a double jab followed by a step-to-the-side reverse punch -- and I got him! He chuckled cos I got him. I wasn't expecting that to happen for another few months...but I didn't let the glory go to my head. My right shin guard slipped a bit and I am now sporting a huge ass bruise on my right shin.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is this sparring stuff you keep mentioning? real sparring, like you're learning to fight and be a ninja and stuff? or fake-sparring, like you're playing some kind of weird future video game using DDR pads or something?

when you talk about fighting iron man, i naturally assume it to be a video game...but then why would you be wearing shin guards?

i'm glad i don't know how to beat people up; i'd probably be pretty obnoxious if i did. this is phil, by the way.

9:07 AM  
Blogger hadjare said...

There really isn't a way to reply to a comment like there is on

Yeah it is actual sparring with other people. Iron Man is this grey haired, solid, fit man who comes on Wednesday to spar (and has been boxing too, but he hurt his shoulder and is taking a break). He just stands there I guess you would have to see it. Anyway, it's Tae Kwan Do and it's tons of fun -- although sparring wasn't in the beginning. It's mentally hard...lots of crap to think about it and just two or three fights can wipe you out. But I try to spend most of the time sparring and sit out once in a while. It is getting to the point where I am looking forward to fight night.

11:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow - tae kwan do, huh? that's pretty cool. how long have you been studying that? and, if it's not too personal a question, why? i watched FIGHT CLUB saturday morning, after waking up at 4:30 a.m. and not being able to sleep - maybe it was just because of the state i was in, but that was the first time i could actually imagine myself taking part in something like that. i've only been punched a few times and it never hurt as much as it was just surprising... but it does kick off that awful 'fight or flight' anxiety, which i hate.

almost as much as the thought of having to work on my truck some more today. i can totally reach the part i need to work on but i don't have enough room to work the ratchet. we got a universal joint at sears when we went to the mall yesterday, where we saw EXORCIST: THE BEGINNING - erin thought it was pretty scary but i still think the third one is the best; it was directed by the author - how cool is that? i do, however, usually like skarsgard and he was good in this, too.

anyhow, i'm not sure the universal joint is going to make things any easier... but i also saw that they have, what are they called? offset wrenches, i think, with little ratchets inside the heads - and those should do the trick. only i couldn't remember what size bolt i'm trying to take off, so i couldn't get one. plus, i really don't want to work on my truck on a street where semi-trucks are lumbering past every few minutes...

but tomorrow, the local library is showing three hitchcock films for some reason and i've made up my mind that i'm going to go see those, whether the starter is fixed or not.

8:39 AM  
Blogger hadjare said...

I always wanted to take some kind of martial arts but never had the money or courage to walk into something I knew nothing about. Luckily, this feel into my lap six months ago when the Ho Chunk Nation notified me of a deal they made with a local facility - Madison area tribal members and their families get free lessons for two years, all I had to do is play for the uniform and belts as I progress...and sparring equipment which I am slowing building). Maybe you didn't know this, but Ho Chunks are widely known for their...uh...wide waistlines. So, this is part of their initiative to have more tribal members get active. Not one to let golden opportunities slip by, I jumped at the chance and plan on doing my best to go at least three times a week for the two years that were negotiated. So far, I am on track.

12:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is SO fucking cool. our company... well, the newspaper i formerly worked for... arrived at a somewhat similar idea about two years ago; since the newspaper industry is pretty much as sedentary a bunch of jobs as you can get, there were a lot of overweight people working for the company.

overweight people result in all sort of extra medical expenses over time and the suits decdided to blame the ridiculously inflated insurance premium increases on a nice easy target like the fatties. so they told us that everyone in the company would have to take health assessments and show yearly improvement toward better physical fitness... or pay higher health insurance preminums.

now, trying to encourage your employers to be more healthy - this is a worthwhile goal. but the way in which they went about it was heavy-handed and, i think, doomed to failure. they basically sat us down, told us that health insurance costs were rising so fast that something needed to be done and this was it: we're raising the rates but we'll keep your payments at the current level IF you agree to these health tests. if you don't want to, fine, we can't force you... we'll just make you pay more for health insurance, which we CAN do.

how prickish is that?! and i say that knowing full well i would have taken part in it happily if it had been totally voluntary and even happier if they had built in something as simple as "we'll pay your wages for up to half-an-hour a day if you can demonstrate that you use that extra time for exercise. the proof, obviously, coming at your next health evaluation, when your results show improvement over the previous year."

but no. they had to use a great big stick to push everyone in the direction they wanted and, surprise-surprise! a lot of people got pissed. there was even a quote from someone at one of the madison papers, in the story THE ISTHMUS did about it, that was along the lines of "i hate what they're doing so much i'd rather just eat greasy cheeseburgers until i die." which i thought was both funny and telling of how authoritarian the supposedly friendly newspaper bosses really were.

and especially since i know damn well that the paper was big enough and financially successful enough that they could have easily brokered some kind of deal with a local health club along the same lines as what the ho-chunk are doing here; you want to get some exercise and be healthier to help your co-workers out by helping provide lower health care costs? cool; anyone who wants can use the following health clubs free of charge, because we're offering them low or no cost advertising, which won't actually cost us a damn thing but helps out you and them. and, ultimately, us."

but no one ever cared what i thought at that damn newspaper, anyway. fuckers!

8:41 AM  

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