Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Okay so I have watched too many Christmas movies. Sigh. I am feeling like I want someone to visit me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

have you watched An American Christmas Carol yet? it's almost certainly my favorite holiday movie and i say that knowing full well my wife thinks its a horrible piece of crap. but i think it's magical and it put a huge smile on my face when i watched it last week. so if you haven't seen it, i highly suggest either finding out when it'll run on tv or putting in a hold request for it at the madison area library; i know they have a copy because i used to check it out from there myself.

do you want me to come visit you next week? erin is going to have lunch with her co-workers and i have no interest meeting a bunch of strangers that she's spent the last four years telling me how weird they are... so i'll be free for an hour or so. i thought about being responsible and using the time to christmas shop and then i thought about being irresponsible and going to sit in a matinee showing of The Incredibles so i'm still pretty open about my plans... let me know soon tho or else you'll ruin all my carefully constructed plans!

ps - hope your party goes great saturday night; say hi to anyone i know for me, okay?

5:57 PM  

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