Friday, January 07, 2005

I was going to post last night, but I ran out of time. However I did update Week in Pictures for January. So I guess there are few new things to report.

1. We have a new foster dog. Her name is Rainy and we picked up on Wednesday night. She's a cutie and half and very affectionate. She is a return because the owner could not take care of all four of his greyhounds anymore. Dude, talk about collecting. She has been neglected and had fleas, no updated vaccinations and her nails are long and sharp. The sucky thing about that, is that we are wusses when it comes to trimming dog nails. Especially since Pluto is SUCH a sissy. A loud yelpy sissy at that. We have been reluctant to work on them. We also think she has a UTI, she needs to pee frequently and drinks loads of water. The foster place she was at for two days before she came to us reported that she peed in her crate twice. Today was her first day alone in the house -- so we kenneled her for six hours and when I got back and let her out she peed outside and nothing in the crate. Whew...she is a good girl at heart. Anyway, she has a vet appointment on Saturday..tomorrow? Eh, at 9:00 and they want us to bring in a pee sample. How the hell do get a female dog pee sample? It's a problem I am happy to pass onto Tim.

2. I started my new job! It's great. I work mornings and am home in the afternoon to do whatever I please and I always have the next day off. I like the job too! Since it is a small office I don't have to deal with a lot of folks coming in and out, or answering phones or putting out big fires. I just go in and do administrative rocks! No big thinking and I am kept occupied. There is no way I can get bored because I am not there that long.

I got my student ID today after waiting for 45 minutes this morning with NO one there in an open office. I was very cold, and questioned her as soon as she arrived what time they opened. She got very defensive and said 8:00....and that she had car trouble. I mentioned that a man had stopped by and said that they were closed yesterday with a sign that said they would open at 9:00. As in...well this is a common problem apparently. She asked who it was, and I said simply that it was a man. Oh, and I had put somewhere in there "Was there a notice on the website or otherwise that would have let me known about last minute changes in the hours?" She replied "Well it snowed yesterday and some schools got let out." TO which I am thinking "so? I was only 15 minutes late...not 45...shit.

Anyway. I eventually got my bus pass too. I celebrated by eating a 7 layer burrito at taco bell (the cost of a bus ride), on the way home. I am glad the wind died down a bit from this morning. There was hoar frost everywhere and looked really beautiful. I wish I had taken a picture then...but when you are in a car it just doesn't have the same effect as standing in some quiet place and taking photographs.

Happy New Year!


Blogger Hilary said...

woah, wait, when is your birthday?!!! GAHH!

1:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your friend Hilary is adorable, and so are her kids. I hope my future kids are that bright-eyed someday.

The dude next to Chuck & Kathleen is Chris, an old friend of Bill's and his roommate for a while back when I first moved to Madison.

Thanks for taking a picture of me in the Green Dress that I actually like! I look like a painted hobbit in the photo Kathleen caught, and the ones Dave took at home pre-party are all terribly blurry.

--Sarah P.

11:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love the way you totally got on that chick's ass for not showing up to work when she was supposed to. yeah, stuff happens - but it shouldn't be happening day after day after day. especially not when it's your job to deal with the public and that public is paying your salary.

and i told you about how to turn the reciept for the 7-layer burrito into "Slayer", right? did you try it? you have to - it's so cool! what's really neat is if you can match the ink and dot pattern of the reciept but that's a little anal for most applications.

6:38 AM  

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