Monday, January 10, 2005

Tired today. Last night Tim and I went to Andy's benefit at the High Noon Saloon. I keep saying Salon and Tim keeps getting mad at me. What a nice space! I really liked it there and it wasn't too smokey at all. At least not compared to the Cardinal, which we went to on Friday night for a going away party. Just walking through the door and being assailed by the Cardinal smell brought back a multitude of memories. It has been years since I have last been to the Cardinal. My first club. The place I met my husband. This time around, we felt ... old. I guess it's because it was a Friday night and full of perky little college girls and frat type boys standing around -- it felt like someone's basement with good lights and loud music.

Ahh the Tardinal. I wish I could have one more Tuesday night there.

Anyway, so the Benefit was good and I talked to Callie and Jason for quite a while. I saw Sigrid briefly and Lowen (who is as excited for the hair cut as I am), Kelly, Brian, Tonya, Troy, Allison, Ryan, Bierka, Kathleen, Chuck, Mike, Matt and Andy. How's that for name dropping? Ha ha ha.

OH that reminds me. This morning when Tim was dropping me off at work...we were waiting to turn into the parking lot but a big group of academics were slowing crossing on the sidewalk. Just as the last scholarly few were crossing Tim accidently beeped our horn! It was so funny. He was absolutely mortified...especially since we were both saying "come on..." ha ha. Oh my god. It's making me laugh even now. All I could say to him as I left was "pick up the pace bitches."

I really need to catch up on letters. I think I only wrote one letter for the month of December and that was to my Mom. I seriously have to catch up. It's just that I think a nap might be more beneficiary right now. A short nap? Hm...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sunday night was fun, wasn't it? By the way, we should try to have lunch sometime since you'll be on campus. The carts have hibernated, but we can go somewhere nearby! Email me, I start classes on the 18th. *depressed stare*


8:17 PM  

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