Friday, February 25, 2005

Yesterday I was unspeakably naughty.

Today is going okay. Again this winter can be done. I want out...I want spring. I am glad that today's Friday because that means the weekend goes by quick and then all of a sudden it's Monday (which is generally a blur) and then BAM it's March. With March in session I can actually FEEL how close spring I am just wishing that it was unseasonably warm. Wouldn't that be nice?

So yeah. Marvels -- I liked it, but it wasn't something that I had never seen before. The format and style of the stories is a lot like Astrocity...which was written by Kurt Busiek and a some of the artwork is from Alex Ross. In fact I thought "Hey this isn't a totally new concept at all--the human quality of superheros -- their problems, laymans perspectives, etc" until I realized that Marvels came BEFORE Astrocity. about that? I guess I really like the ... realistic takes me a lot longer to go through them because I enjoy looking at the pictures so much. And who doesn't like looking at superhero's/freaks in a new way. I do think I might have enjoyed it a lot more if I knew the whole comic book history of all the characters...I had to constantly reference Tim to get the full scoop on what really happened -- for example with Galactus.

And no I haven't read Neil Gaiman's 1602 -- that has just entered my recommendation list right after Iron Council.

As for know it the was first time that Tim and I watched it through. I had always seen bits and pieces of it on TV -- so I knew the general idea of what happened. OF course they edited the naughty bits on TV... I also watched it while making breakfast and doing dishes -- as with any horror movie you don't need to put your FULL attention on it. I guess it was okay. It could totally be done a play. I was thinking lately that I would be interested in becoming a teacher if I could lead the drama club in their choices of plays and direct them -- I would do Dawn of the Dead for sure...I should keep a running list of movies that could easily be plays. Speaking of which I get to watch the new remake this weekend, as well as I Robot, and Napolean Dynamite (which I haven't seen). Tim said it's about nerds...and that it's probably going to be painful more than funny. I guess for him...I most certainly never considered myself a nerd.

Video games include replaying Champions of Norath on harder levels -- there is a new one out but we have been unable to find it used yet. Ghost Recon -- working through new levels...and Tim just bought another one used yesterday called...I forget. Something about the old west and he plays a bounty hunter...again. The last game he played Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath was oldwesty and he was a bounty hunter. I expect we will just play more of that...

I managed to get on the ball and write a few more letters...although as soon as I send one out I get some. Not that I am complaining...just makes catching up a tad bit more challenging. I just think it's probably because some people hadn't heard from me in like two writing back was easy and interesting.

Battlestar is on tonight -- ahh...
I am addicted to Lost too.
ER finally started over on TNT primetime in the day time...once shows start over I lose interest in them...even if I haven't seen all the episodes. I thought it was interesting to see how fuzzy and soap opery it was in the beginning and how young George Cloony is before I switched the station to catch Mr Brightside by the Killers on VH1...and swooned only slightly.

There isn't much for me to eat when I get home. I guess maybe I will buy something downtown and leave a tad bit early to do that. After all it is Friday and I have things I want to work on when I get home. I guess I will just have to go to Chipotle...oh the horror!


Blogger Hilary said...

But--you--doh! You just can't say something like that you were unspeakably naughty! *hyperventilates then passes out from not knowing the details*

8:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved Napolean Dynomite -- totally. And yeah it is a bit painful because somehow I think the kid manages to capture at least a part of the teenage awkwardness we all suffered. Dawn of the Dead was great on the big screen but in the light of Shawn .....

And BTW I totally agree with Hilary, you can't drop 'I was unspeakably naughty' without details .... thats uncool :D Nearly as uncool as mentioning Chipotle to a guy who is craving junk food like a fiend.

8:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

awwww had to bring up Chipotle huh? The best burrito I've ever had, outside of a Grateful Dead parking lot in Tampa Florida was from Chipotle.

Now I have a craving!

3:42 PM  

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