Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Oh another low day. MSN isn't working today and it's terribly lonely without my darling to talk to. Even if we don't talk to each other all the time, I like to see that he IS there if I want to talk to him. I started out good this morning...worked on the poncho, watched ER and a movie, then ironed the two aprons for sewing...then somewhere between Ellen and Roseanne...it went downhill. I fed let the dogs out, feed them, tired to log into msn again and .. blah. Oh and I paid like seven bills this morning and got them in the mail in time. I guess that's gotta count for something.

Heather is going to come over tonight for DDR. I am diligently working on doing that every day because they say exercise makes everything right. Right? I hope so.

I wish I could sew like Zoey. I haven't even started it yet, and I know it will probably be okay...but man she is good. She could make anything. I wonder how she got that good...how did you get that good Zoey? And Sarah...made her own dang wedding dress...how did YOU learn how to sew Sarah? Where do people get these talents? It must be inbred...that MUST be it.

Last night I made Pancitti. I played Ghost Recon and that was fun. I am started to get a bit better...it's so hard to see those little dudes so far away. Halo is much easier in that my target thing glows red when it's an enemy. On Ghost I keep thinking rocks are enemies because they are bright green in the nightvision.

Well, I am going to force myself to write a page for a letter, wash my face, put on a bra and later maybe vacuum the living room. Cleaning is supposed to be another ...cleanser. Puts away the bad and starts things fresh.


Blogger zoey said...

how did i get that good... hmmm... well... i started sewing when i was eight years old. my family was too poor to afford Barbie clothes and my mom got tired of me bugging her... so she taught me how to use her sewing machine. i think it was also a good diversion for my energy... i.e., if i was sewing i wouldn't be picking on siblings. :) i had no patterns at first... just figured out how to make stuff fit Barbie's wacky, over-exaggerated figure... the curves are the hardest.

6:39 PM  
Blogger hadjare said...

My Mom used to make elaborate barbie clothes for me too. I remember one Christmas I got whole box full of ballgowns and such. It was awesome! My barbies had the best clothes ever.

I used to try and make stuff by hand..but the sewing machine was never something I could use because my mom got a sewing machine needle stuck in her finger when she was a kid.

In home economics I learned how to use a machine...and putzing around...but it's the clothes! You make the most amazing stuff. Have you made anything recently?

9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I learned via several different influences.

1. Some former neighbors left a big box of scrap fabric and tatting materials in our shed when they left (they rented from my dad). I think I was about 7 or 8. God, I had years of fun with that box...everything from stretchy polyester to embroidery floss to calico cotton. I started out just gluing fabrics together because I couldn't sew, though.

2. Middle School Home Ec class.

3. Both of my grandmas and my mom were fabulous seamstresses so I learned by observation. Gram Cloud would give me her button jar, pantyhose, needle, thread, fabrics scraps, and batting, and let me make ragdolls in her living room. She also let me play with her ancient Singer sewing machine to make Barbie clothes. I think I had learned to use the machine by then in Home Ec - yes, I was still fascinated by Barbies at that point. Gram Fee was also good for giving me scraps of trimmings and laces.

4. I learned to make my wedding dress with a book called Bridal Couture by Susan Khalje. It tells you how to work with multiple layers of slippery fabrics and how to do invisible hems and bound seams and stuff. Believe me, though, the dress still had its problems inside.


3:30 PM  

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