Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Morning light shone through the blue curtains in Hadjare's bedroom. Her husband had just slammed the alarm clock and he crashed heavily back into bed. Two cats hissed and spat at each other in hungry frustration at their feet. "Fucking cats," Tim muttered and covered his head.

Several minutes passed and Hadjare realized she couldn't fall back asleep because her bladder demanded immediate attention. She tried to sit up and fell back with a weak groan. The right side of her neck refused to do its part in supporting her head and pain shot down into her shoulder. Yesterday's fall had finally manifested itself into something tangible. Finally she rolled to her side and pushed herself up carefully and out of the warm covers. Cats thudded and howled down the hallway in anticipation of breakfast."Fucking cats," she said and stumbled into the bathroom.

Forty five minutes later Tim backed out of the drive way to face another draining day at work. Hadjare turned from the window, out of the sun's glare on the new snow and ate her cereal. Ignoring Rainy the foster dog's whines she sat down on the couch and read the newest issue of Time and contemplate how to spend her day. One article later she turned on the television to watch morning music videos and realized after a few songs and switching between channels that MTV2 had been added to her cable plan. Immediately she went online to tell Tim.

"Huh," he responded.

"Yeah," she replied and spent the next several hours reading and chatting. By afternoon she headed to the guest room and began work on a new tote bag she had been thinking about. That weekend in a blur of motion and inspiration she had trimmed the too long curtains in the living room. Gathering up the remnant material she began to sew. Suddenly the dogs jumped up from their afternoon naps and clattered to the front door, a bell sounded soon after.

Hadjare looked out the window and saw a blue car parked on the street. She stood tippy toe to peer through the front door and saw a handsome couple standing on her front stoop.

"I had forgot!" she exclaimed as she opened the door to greet her friends Lowen and Jason. "Oh, Jason was just saying that he thought you thought he would forget," replied Lowen, stepping into the house. The dogs immediately swarmed the newcomers clamoring for attention. Hadjare went over to the bookshelf and picked out the video game she was going to lend them. Jason handed over Prince of Persia in exchange for Oddworld: Stranger's wrath. Lowen went on to explain that they had a few hours free this afternoon to take care of errands before she had to go back to work.

They chatted a bit before Hadjare gave them another game to try out and let them out of her house. Smiling to herself she put the game next to the TV and went back to her tote bag. She preferred to keep her mind as blank as possible.


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