Monday, May 23, 2005

I did it! I passed and am now officially a Blue Belt (only three more to go.... next up is Brown, Red and then Black -- but really I should be counting the blue as it's brand new so four). But I did it! I finished the goal of a blue belt before summer -- the only things I messed up on was my suto machie (thumbs were not in) and I mistook a hard style kick for a moving for ONLY one...but hey...I was distracted. Many children were screaming or something in the background. To celebrate I bought myself some hand I *really* feel like I am serious (yeah like the full sparring gear wasn't enough) :P So yes, I am feeling particularly accomplished in meeting this goal. Still, I kind of wish I had a good sparring partner -- in magic, wonderland -- a female sparring partner would ideal, but anyone would be nice. Someone to motivate and really practice with...etc. Bah, that's not gonna happen.

The rest of the weekend was good. On Saturday, Tim and I packed Rainy into the car and we headed down to walk dogs in Geneva. There was a family who came to see Rainy -- and after Rainy dazzled them with her amazing skills of "fetch" (kinda rare for a greyhound)and adorable, goofy running -- they were smitten. SO our foster dog finally found a home! She's leaving this Saturday. Yah! I bet Pluto can hardly wait.

Also, at the kennel was a bunch of greyhound puppies -- like about 5 mo old --- and I can't begin to describe to you how freaking cute grey hound puppies are -- they were so adorable I almost melted (and wanted to dognap a little black and white one named Gunsmoke).

After the dog stuff we went home and I promptly took a nap. I was awakened later by the doorbell and the arrival of Laima. I had forgotten that I said I would attend a retirement party for an old metal working professor. I quickly got dressed (wearing my new target clearance pants -- so nice and so cheap, my blue Edinburgh button down and a scarf around the waist) and headed off. The party was in one of those rich Madison homes. It was a amazing how nice the place was, how much good food there was, the rich array of academics/artsy people, and art on display. I saw Ron and Linda there and spoke with them for awhile and then later on found myself with another entertaining bunch of folks (you know how to goes, it would be useless to describe them all), and I had the best damn pecan pie ever. Oh it was soooooOOOOoooo good. I am drooling now for it.

Fully stuffed and with food in our arms, Laima and I headed out and home. I decided to stay in and we watched Primer. Ugh. Primer....we didn't get it. Then went to bed.

Sunday I got a migraine that pretty much wrecked much of the day -- I did manage to finish a pair of earrings, a necklace and get started on a new bracelet before I had to quit. I also managed a walk with the mess of dogs (I forgot to mention we were dogsitting for Jack too), and later on we watched House of Flying Daggers (, it was okay. I am getting a little tired of seeing tragic love stories with lots of fighting -- although the choreography for the soldiers was amazing! and okay, the main hero was nice to look at). Then I went to bed....and THEN the headache went away...ahh nothing better in the world then the calm, peaceful feeling you get after enduring something painful for hours.

Today I am not focused or motivated to get a whole lot done. I am hungry. We woke up late this morning and so I have to stay an extra 25 minutes....(suck).

I am thinking about a master's today-- after being around so many academics and Laima saying she "had a masters in her waiting to get out." I feel like I should be taking advantage of ... something and get my stupid masters --- but look at what I just said. Stupid. I don't really want one, I only want to take advantage of the "opportunity" of one. Sigh. I feel kind of guilty about it. I know Tim would love to do it....for example. But what would I do with it? What do I want with one? I kind of like the idea of teaching....or being involved with some random research .... or maybe even social working .... I dunno. I am also happy with where I am right now too. It's just that the person I am with isn't happy with what HE is doing right now, and so I guess I feel like I should be doing more.

Speaking of Tim he is into rollerblading right now and got some really nice skates...anyone else into that? I thought about it...but eh.

I have a dollar...I should see what I can scare up out of a vending machine. OR I could save it for a dollar menu McChicken -- but that's two hours away...and I am hungry NOW.


Blogger Hilary said...

Jason says he likes rollerblading a lot better than skateboarding, but I have never seen him do it. I want to go to a fancy schmancy party like that. And Yeah! Rainy found a home! Ok I think that's it... No--one more thing. I was about to leave the house one day wearing a scarf around my waist and Jason was all "wtf are you wearing?" like a total jerk. It looked good too, but him saying that just ruined everything. Yeah, good story

1:37 PM  
Blogger hadjare said...

No way! I totally stole the idea from you when you wore the red scarf around YOUR waist at the last scrabble.

Jason and Tim should skate.

1:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know... technically i said i had 'master's envy'.. which i don't think is relaly the same as 'a masters waiting to come out'.. but your way sounded much more complimentary :)

10:09 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Woohoo! Rainy found a home. I'll bet you'll miss Rainy though. Must have been the pretty collar you made her.

9:23 PM  
Blogger hadjare said...

Nah the collar has nothing to do with it, and Tim said that I shouldn't even send it along with her because they might sell it? I think that's a little extreme, but seeing as they emailed us asking the size of her neck -- I get the feeling they want all new stuff for her anyway. So, I guess I'll just add the collar back into my collection. Kind of sad though.

9:43 AM  

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