Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Sleeping on the bed was nice...everytime I woke up to shift positions I thought -- "How comfortable."

It took me several times of thinking this....when I realized 'every time I woke up.' Huh?

Well, I think I was referring to (in my thoughts) to the time before I went to sleep -- cos it takes me a while to drift off, and to when I should have been getting up this morning -- takes me a while to do that too. I can't tell you how much of a dream it is to get in and out of's so high and grown up. It's SOOOOO cool. Of course, I realize now that we had a full? Twin? bed before -- so now I am left with only two sheets that fit.

Pluto is exhibiting strange behaviour. I came home and he wasn't there to greet me. I walked to the bedroom, thinking I would surprise him ... but he wasn't there. Only the Rain Dog. I let her out...she started to spaz...nothing--no Pluto. I thought maybe Tim left him outside...I looked in the office...nothing....and Rainy was still going nuts running back and forth as usual....and THEN I heard him. He was in the basement. He came skidding across the floor happy to see me. I went down in the basement to see if he pooped or peed or something. Nothing. He and Rainy came down with me to look around. I checked his teeth for cat litter poop and there wasn't a grain of litter to ge seen. So I let them outside and then found the cat poop scooper (so I could clean the boxes later) and got their food. Let them back in. They ate, Pluto finished all his food and came over for a pet while I was eating my hard salami/cheese on rye sandwich. When I quite petting him he left the room. I found him in the bedroom on a dog bed avoiding my eyes. I knelt down...talked to him and gave him some more pets....and then a few minutes later looked again, and he had gone to Rainy's kennel with his back to the world.

I guess he is having a "swim in lake Pluto day."


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