Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Look at how many quality posts you are getting on week! Unheard of. I finished Lost tonight ( in the season finale) and ... well I guess my schedule is open now until Battlestar is back on.

And I did meme today and I would like to hear what some of yours are

Six songs that I really enjoy and/or mean a lot to me [in no particular

1. California Dreamin'- Momma's and Poppa's
2. Worlock - Skinny Puppy
3. What Have I Done (to Deserve this)- Pet Shop Boys
4. The Way You Look Tonight - Frank Sinatra
5. Silent Lucidity - Queensryche
6. Northpoint - Mike Oldfield


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i've never heard of mike oldenfield so, if it'll make things easier, you can put all six of those songs on the mix CD you mentioned needing to work on - that should take care of, like, a third of the songs!

not that i'm impatient or anything. i'm becoming intimately familiar with how little you can get done in a given day...

7:45 AM  
Blogger hadjare said...

I don't think I have it on CD....most of that crap was from a tape...and you REALLY want Silent Lucidity..oh boy. Okay this is gonna be an interesting CD.

Ha ha...intimately familiar with how "little" you can get done? Dude, going to the post office, taking a shower, or doing the dishes are BIG accomplishments.

11:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in that case i've got to be a 18th level stay-at-home bum by now.

and i don't actually have a copy of silent lucidity - i don't know that i need one, either, but the only queensryche i have is mindcrime.

because, really, what more do you need?

4:56 PM  

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