Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Fuck consolidating student loans, vacuuming, making appointments and organizing shit. I know what you really want, and that's pictures. So I devoted a chunk of time updating Week in Pictures.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Laura,

You're a good writer. You have the storytellers instinct for knowing which details of life will catch people's interest. I went back in the archives and read for an hour or so and laughed my ass off. The stuff about eating the same stuff multiple days in a row etc. was first rate. Also the stuff about your mother and your house chores was great. Congratulations on the blue belt. Mike Walsh

5:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

woot! we get to see Koopa! i much enjoyed the peeeektures!


7:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

enjoyed the pictures.....don't know why, just did. started my day off with some laughs.


12:08 PM  
Blogger hadjare said...

Thanks everyone! It's nice to know that putting those pictures up are actually worth while.

5:08 PM  

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