Fuck consolidating student loans, vacuuming, making appointments and organizing shit. I know what you really want, and that's pictures. So I devoted a chunk of time updating Week in Pictures.

Fuck consolidating student loans, vacuuming, making appointments and organizing shit. I know what you really want, and that's pictures. So I devoted a chunk of time updating Week in Pictures.
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Hi Laura,
You're a good writer. You have the storytellers instinct for knowing which details of life will catch people's interest. I went back in the archives and read for an hour or so and laughed my ass off. The stuff about eating the same stuff multiple days in a row etc. was first rate. Also the stuff about your mother and your house chores was great. Congratulations on the blue belt. Mike Walsh
woot! we get to see Koopa! i much enjoyed the peeeektures!
enjoyed the pictures.....don't know why, just did. started my day off with some laughs.
Thanks everyone! It's nice to know that putting those pictures up are actually worth while.
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