Saturday, May 28, 2005

I did it. I made a mix CD -- it was hard because we have a supersensitive reader and it picks up imaginary and real imperfections (that you don't hear on a CD player) and then copies ... with the imperfections. SO I had to take out three songs that were just too annoying to listen to and replace them with alternates.

So I am going to make TWO! The first one is a collection of some of my favorite summer songs (mostly non industrial/goth) and the second will be the other half of my musical taste....and should I dare do a third? I have been wanting to do a instrumental one too.

Could you handle three Phil? Does anyone else want some Mix CD's while I am feeling generous?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love mix CDs from friends, because they're usually a good variety for me to listen to over and over in my car.


12:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love your mix CDs Laura! (and someday i certainly hope to return the favor, too...)

the girl who's in Latvija this week.

1:30 AM  
Blogger Hilary said...

Laura, wanna have a pic-i-nic today? Or something? A walk? Anything? Beuller?

9:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think i could handle three CDs, if you want to work 'em all up. i can even send you the two i just finished making for mike and rachel, to balance the scales some.

4:53 PM  

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