Sunday, September 04, 2005


Yep, that pretty much sums me up. I hate getting sick, this one came to me like a flash yesterday afternoon, evolved into a sore throat all night and left a nasty head cold in it's place today.

I finished Harry Potter. Thank for telling me that whole part about Ginny when I hadn't even gotten there yet Phil. :P Not that it gave away much or anything. I guess in the end I don't know if I have any comments about the book. I mean...I'm following the story line -- the magic of the universe is gone and left with "problems" and good vs evil and blah blah blah. I am glad that the next book will be the last.

I don't feel like watching a movie. It's hot here. I am not tired. My face hurts. My nose is getting red. I don't want to write a letter. I don't want to .... do anything but complain about how I want to do something that I don't want to do.

I talked on the phone for almost four hours today -- with two seperate people, but it still makes me feel like a teenager.

This start to the Labor day weekend feels like an instant recovery time. I hope it gets better. I had things I wanted to do.

I wish I had fruit pizza right now. With cream cheese, kiwi, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and mango. It would be tasty. Then I would eat ice cream that didn't make me sick (I'm pretty intolerant to a lot of it), oh no, better yet. Frozen yogurt....the smooth goodness would sooth my throat. I wouldn't matter if I could taste it or not. then I would drink a nice, richly flavored beer in a pint glass. I want to look like I'm not sick.

I want to know what I want. It's gonna be a long night.


Blogger zoey said...

Mmmmm! fruit pizza sounds WONDERFUL! what kind of crust does fruit pizza have...? seems like a graham cracker crust would be heavenly... or is that too much like pie?

btw--where does the word graham cracker come from...?

10:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry! I feel like Typhoid Mary for coming to Scrabble. Though technically, I shouldn't have been too contagious by then. Hope you're feeling better. I'm *still* hacking and mucusing all over the place, though I think my cold turned into allergy symptoms.


3:45 PM  

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