I've been having this sinus pain in my face. I bought some sinus headache medicine last Friday and when I took it I got tired. On Saturday I don't remember...I think I did take it and got tired. Then, Sunday and Monday I didn't, I just took an tylenol or excedrine and it was fine. Well, this morning I decided to tough it out and took nothing. Then at 10.30 it hurt and showed signs of turning into a big headache...so I took the sinus headache stuff cos it was in my bag. The pain went away I got tired. Oh so tired.
As Sarah was driving me home I commented "It just makes me SO tired. It's worse than benedry." Then as i was in bed 10 minutes later and dozing off, I realized -- wait! it has antihistimines in it...and I took two...so that is like TWICE the benedryl (which is something I use sometimes as a mild sleep aide). Gah! I ended up sleeping from 12-2. I got up and to be honest STILL feel groggy and out of it. I just spend an hour deciding if I should go back to sleep or tough it out and try to get something done. Of course toughing out = looking at the internet.
Now I am making tea and was thinking about forcing myself to do the dishes. But I thought I would post first. Lets see, family ....
Nephew - peed on me this morning. I thought something like that might happen too because he weiner looked a little strange moments before the pee came hurling out.
Mom - called me last Friday to talk. She's battling some tough eye problems where she sees double vision. There is a growth behind one of the eyes that is causing the pressure (hence double vision). First the doctor tried predinosone and that worked for a little while, but eventually stopped. Plus the side effects were wretched to my Mom, and her blood sugar has been over 500 consistently now. Poor Mom. She has one affliction after another. I know Tim says I am always sick too -- but I don't think so. I mean, I only tell him and mainly write it down. But if I write it down it's because it's the excuse for something, or it has a role. I think. Maybe I am justifying myself right now because I don't want to think of myself like my Mom who only calls me to complain about her various ailments.
But who else is she going to talk to? I mean...well there IS Shane, Frank, Josh and Carla...but a dutiful daughter should listen more right? I do. I do. But...I suppose. I mean I bet the rest of my family gets their fill of it every day.
Andrew - I still haven't sent him a birthday card or money. I was going to send him 20 bucks to put for his savings of a xbox 360 -- but I suppose since it's going to take him awhile to save that much, then it's okay if the 20 is a little late, right? And birthday's shouldn't be held to just one day. I mean, the whole year could be celebrated really. Well, it's my opinion that you can celebrate any holiday for two months -- one month before the date and one month after.
Good point about the birthday thing because I still have your wee little birthday gift.
LOLLOL...his wiener looked funny just before he peed...ahhhh...that was so fun...I remember Lucas had a stint of going right when I took off the diaper...must have been the fresh air. After a few shots in the eye, on the wall, almost in my mouth I started keeping a folded cloth diaper or dish towel right by the changing table to put over the thing while I got him cleaned up. It worked out really slick and was easy enough to throw in the wash. ;)
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