Thursday, June 29, 2006

It's 8.44 and I should be Nephew sitting at 9.30...good thing it's only 10 minutes away (on bike). I was thinking about sneaking in a shower before that...which probably would eat at away at my updating

Things to do today: email laima about saturday and say that we might leave earlier, email eric and kate to tell them the same thing, and ask hilary to stop to in an let the dog out sometime during the night. If she can't then figure out another option. Hm

Man, a shower would be nice...if only for my stupid hair. It's all greasimified. I remember when I was in High School we had one of those detachable nozzles in the bathroom shower, so it was easy to just wash my hair and go, instead of getting all wet. Our shower is firmly attached to the top....and our faucet doesn't seem conclusive to being hooked up to anything. I mean, the faucet in my high school growing up bathroom had some kind of screw thing...actually so did the faucent now that I think about it. Hm.

Geez. Would I have time? It's now 8:50....I mean I can always babble on later here....yea.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh, every time I read about bathroom stuff I think about all the bathroom stuff you could use that I have just laying around. I happen to have one of those detatchable shower heads, brand new, still in the box sitting here. I had bought it for my mom and dad and they hated I got it back. I can see myself sending you a carepackage with shower heads and bathroom faucets. You have to tell me if you want it though, I'd hate to send you stuff you don't want.


11:11 AM  
Blogger Hilary said...

we had a detachable shower head at our old house and I loved it. I liked to spray my teeth when in the shower. It was a high pressure do-dad so it was good for that kind of thing. Also we gave our dog showers and that worked really well.

11:12 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

I am the only white trash grease monkey who washes her dirty hair with the kitchen sink house? Seriously. If only my hair is dirty, and I'm in a rush, I'll wash it in the kitchen sink. Works great.

7:39 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

ummm.. Kitchen sink hose. Yeah. Tristan is complaining about bedtime and I got distracted.

7:40 PM  

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