Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I gottat tell you. I think I could really get used to have it be my birthday all the time (except for the aging). I have gotten THE MOST mail in the last few weeks than ever before. I am totally mail spoiled right now.

--letter from Heather
--post card from Hilary
--letter from Mom
---package from Jessie (with candles, pancake mix, bread mix, soap, vacuum smelling thing, cool fake fall/colored fabric leaves and a deck of inspiration type cards).
--package from Mom with a GeMagic (think bejeweller) machine that does Rhinestones! NEAT!

I don't know if I have enough denim. Nope..... I don't think I do. I told Tim I could GeMagic a hat or two of his, write his name in rhinestones, or punch up his coat. He refused my offer and said it might affect his masculinity in some way. I said I would only sparkify it.

Hmmm...what could I make BEEEYOOUUTIfulll? Ideas?

Today I am back to my regular schedule, of working on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It's nice, I gotta tell you. I like having these days off. I get so much more done and we eat so much better. I'm glad it warmer today. I wonder if the rinks are open today -- they were closed yesterday because of the severe temperatures. I wouldn't mind going skating today. It's a great way to clear the mind and relax.


Blogger Unknown said...

Let me know how hard it is to find more gemstones after the few that come with the gadget are gone. I looked at one at wal-mart 40 different times and didn't buy it because after all the stones are gone, it's not a matter of simply getting more from wal-mart. They don't carry extras. How dumb is that?

5:58 PM  

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