Friday, July 06, 2007


Look to your left and you will see that I have finally left the stone age of blogging and added a site feed. Click on it to get the URL. :D How about that? I *have* tried to do it before, but blogger's documentation wasn't up with the new blogger, and frankly it was impossible to figure out. Not this morning though! This morning I whooped it's ass and now I am one of the site feeding elite!

Rock on.

I know that several of you guys have been wanting that for awhile. I then discovered (in the process of testing it out to see it worked) of this thing called Google Reader -- which I guess is alot like any other site aggregator. But -- new to me! I went and added a bunch of blogs that I have bookmarked on the laptop, in addition to my own site which worked perfectly fine! It'll be great for when I am in a place without access to my bookmarks. That is one of the things I liked best about Livejournal -- that it would group all of your friends journals onto one page for you. I also like livejournal's privacy feature. I still need to operate in both world's (LJ and blogland) but that is okay. It's add's spice to my everyday internet routine.

There is something to be said about visiting a blog though every now and then. ;) I wonder how the stat's will keep count of that? As in, how would I be able to tell how many people link to the site feed? I guess I'll have to investigate some more.

Two more things from yesterday:

1. Bacon Bit's heartbeat now sounds like a real heartbeat on the fetal doppler (like a miniture galloping horse) and no longer like "shush shush shush shush"

2. I saw my stomach move! It was like a poke from the inside. I was laying on the couch mostly reclined and crocheting, and I felt the Bit start to move. I looked down and 'Pop" It moved! I had the DH come over to take a look but by then, of course, Bacon Bit stopped. :P


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, people will still have to visit to comment :) Its true though, that via a feed, you don't get the visit. I have so many blogs I read at this point, that I'd never keep up without feeds.
Now if you ever decide to really play, install wordpress on your domain and jump in the sandbox of endless widgets and plugins. Each one is like a new toy to tinker with :)

4:05 PM  

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