Thursday, July 12, 2007

I am having an anxious sort of week. I know I probably just need to divorce myself from these thoughts and feelings and give me a vacation of trashy movies, crafting and .. guilt free.

What am I worried about?

-preeclampsia -- I have a doctors appointment tomorrow where I will have my blood pressure taken, and I'll probably ask for the pee on a stick test (they don't normally do that at this office until 28 weeks or so) and just bring it up with the NP to see what she has to say. But the whole reason this got into my head is because I said my feet started to swell if I was sitting for too long in one place, and my night time vision with contacts is blurry. I posted that and some people started saying "You might have preeclampsia!" Gah. I looked up the symptoms and mine are NOT what they are really referring too (they mean really swollen feet/ankles, hands and face and vision with spotters/tunnel and massively blurry) ...but then again, what do I know?

-I have gained weight. It's really starting to come on, despite me feeling like I am still not eating that much. Total right now it's about 10 pounds according to my scale, but you know home scales NEVER reflect what the doctor's scale does. I have clearance to gain from 15-25 (and I even got a few doctors saying 30) but I guess I was sort of mentally thinking I could do closer to 20. Well, geez, I know I am more than 1/2 way there ... and really 10 pounds isn't that much to complain about and it's healthy and for the baby (who should weigh about a pound right now)...but is 5-6 pounds in a month too much? Will it keep up at this point? Why do I fucking care?! I am finally pregnant and I promised myself I would never worry about it. As long as I eat reasonable, like I did before then I shouldn't worry.

Wait I know why I am worried about it because since I got this preeclampsia idea in my head part of their warning is "if you gain too much weight too fast you might...." Well, is this too much? I don't know! I am sure it's not. I will ask tomorrow....I should calm down. But maybe it's just I am overly anxious right now.

-I have a bridal shower to go to this weekend and I am worried about what my darling will do because he has to go with me. If I had my own license I would go myself...but then I thought realistically about that ...would I? If I had my license RIGHT now in my grubby hand, would I feel safe about driving anywhere that wasn't the Madison East side? The truthful answer is no. I wouldn't. I need some time driving in the home territory before I can work up the courage to go into strange lands armed only with directions and my wits. So while I might be anxious about making Tim be someplace he doesn't want to be (and isn't invited to) because of me -- maybe I also feel worried about this whole driving thing again. It's coming up. Only two weeks awayish. I should probably call at some point and make sure this is confirmed with the driving company. Which I am pretty sure it is, but you never know.

-Bacon Bit is the most active I have ever noticed this morning...but then the thoughts started to creep in "Is Bacon Bit TOO active?" Ridiculous I know. Plus my bladder seems to be a favorite kicking spot...I wouldn't care (and really I don't honestly) but it sort of hurts!

-I feel like I should be doing so much more with my days off than I am doing. I know for a fact that if I was doing things I should be doing like cleaning, catching up with correspondence, organizing the darn office...then I wouldn't be worrying so much. Right? Right. So I should at least vacuum the living room floor and pick up around this house. Or maybe I should just pop in a movie, make some popcorn and crochet and relax for a few hours to get a freakin' grip.

I guess this is what happens to me when I am relatively relaxed for too long? I mean, last week I wasn't worry about any of this. This week I am. It seems to happen every few weeks. Everything builds up and then erupts into this lava flow of anxiety. Then it goes away and I get on with my life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Laura, I had preeclampsia with all four pregnancies, though the last two were managed much better and required much less intervention.
But do you remember when Richard and I didn't show for your wedding? It was because I was swollen like a blimp and had one of the worst headaches I can ever remember.

Now with that said. Try not to stress over it. You've still got a ways to go, and preeclampsia, though it can give some warning signs this early on, its not typical, at least in my experience, or others I've known that have suffered it.
Instead of fretting over the symptoms and 'do I have it', try to research it, in terms of preventing it (or lessening it)
Heres a very good link about the Brewer diet. Dr Brewer is pretty well known for this diet in preventing preeclampsia.. PE is his specialty:

if you have any questions about it, just drop me an email. I'm practically an expert on the subject myself.

1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10 pounds isn't bad for being this far along in your pregnancy! Especially since you're experiencing water weight gain in your feet. That's probably a couple of pounds right there. From past entries, it also sounds like you've gained in your breasts - normal!

I went from 170 to 212 with Ruth. ABout 12 of that was water weight in the last several weeks, in my feet and lower legs. My doctor and his nurse weren't at all concerned, and my blood pressure was always A-OK. What is this "clearance" you speak of? Did *your* medical professional give you permission to gain only 15-25?

It's good to hear that Bacon Bit is so active. And trampoline-bladder is, again, perfectly normal and humorous but also very uncomfortable. Just use the bathroom frequently and enjoy these pokes from the wee girl.


4:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was overweight before I got pregnant, and I gained SIXTY POUNDS total, counting from the day I found out I was pregnant, to when they took that final weight at the hospital.
And you know what? All of it was gone before Landon was 6 months olds.
I had only planned to gain the 15-30, but I was so freaking hungrey all the time... I haz no willpowerz.... But basically I was so uncomfortable that I let the food be my comfort.
Anyway, for over half way done cooking, you've done great! 10 lbs is nothing, so don't stress! And really don't stress now, because this last bit you will probably put on another 15 lbs or so of just baby weight, and possibly end up with 10 lbs or so of water weight! (in fact,since you are bloating, I would bet a pound or two of that 10 is water weight!)
No worries.

11:44 AM  

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