Thursday, August 02, 2007

Today was busy. I spent the morning putting together packages. Then I had my young friend come over for a visit from 1-3. We played guitar hero and chatted. It was nice! After that, I gathered up my packages and the bag of cloth diapers Jen had sent on for Hilary into the car and ventured out into my first solo drive.

I drove to the post office, and watched as a man (who was agitated in line) directly in front of me, get pissed at a postal worker who then told him to leave. He totally deserved it. I told the postal lady that he was itching for a fight from in line (which he was). After I bought a bunch of stamps and sent my packages for a total of $85!!! I stocked up on stamps - I've been trying to stock up on those forever stamps every time I go in to buy stamps for years into the future -- I got into the car to leave...except the car kept stalling. Twice this happened before I realized "oh the parking break." Heh. I am glad to say that is the only problem I had...there were a few rough spots with lurching...but I quickly got over that. It was nervousness from the emergency break. Anyway.

I drove over to Hilary's and stopped at Latte Cafe or something to pick up some iced chai. I did a perfect parking job. I got out and crossed two busy, fast lanes of traffic and eventually made it to Hilary's. I visited, examined her garden, look at her furniture handiwork, and picked up the new Harry Potter. I then drove home without incident, in time to make perfectly cooked corn on the cob (thanks Hilary -- your instructions were perfect!) and hamburgers and fries. Though I only ate 1/2 the hamburger because ... well that's all I like of those anymore. Pluto ate the rest.

We took our limpy dog on a walk around the block and I have just caught up quickly with the internet. I am sort of sleepy and tired and am thinking of just retiring to the bedroom now to read and maybe fall asleep.

We did however come up with a theme for Bacon Bit -- Bugs!

Honestly, I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner..maybe because we weren't in a thinking about it stage? But I have these great big Bug foam rubber stamps (for decorating the Bit's room), Tim loves bugs as most of you know he graduated with a degree in entomology, AND bugs give us a color palate that we are more interested in (bright greens, yellows, oranges, etc). We are trying to avoid a closet full of a the same color -- if you know what I mean.

So yeah! Bugs! Bacon Bit will LOVE it. I am almost excited enough to start looking for bug stuff...but that can wait until after vacation when we get our registries in order.


Blogger Jen said...

Bugs are a very cute theme. I might even send a few bug crib sheets and some Gingham ones that match. It would be awhile because Nat is still in a crib, but we plan on getting bunk beds soon. I'm hoping that would be before the Bit is due. :)

We did the bug theme too in Madison and it worked good for kids. It evolves easily into other interests like Robots, space, cats, balls.

Tristan's bug room became a "Cat and Bugs" room for awhile. Nat had bugs too but now there's puppies and kitties and balls involved in his decorating.

Tiny Love makes a really cute bug mobile. Mine was a hand me down and got kind of busted in the move but it is really awesome and plays bach and mozart, and has the black and white patterns so newborns can see them. They make a lot of those cute buzzing bug toys too that you pull the string and the toy buzzes. We got our bug themed bedding cheap at K-mart, but I'm pretty sure that I saw them at Target too.

Bug themes are the cutest.

9:21 AM  

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