Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Desperate Measures

The headache is peaking today....I have had a headache like this now 4 times in the past six months. Usually a dose of midol or excedrine would be enough to kill it -- but since I have Bacon Bit to consider I have to stick to tylenol (1000mg) or tylenol with codeine (300mg + 30mg). It's a freaking horse apiece if you ask me! I took tylenol this early morning so I could go back to sleep (the pain woke me up). Then at the afternoon mark I took a tylenol with codeine...and neither of which got rid of it completely. I have been anxiously awaiting this next dose for the last two hours -- and was torn...which do I take?

Before I decided I remembered to call an acupuncturist and ask if they thought one session (at 85$ ) would get rid of a headache that is mostly likely caused by weather. There has been the threat of rain for the last couple of days and today it was SUPPOSED to rain but it hasn't. We are on the edge of it...it's enough to fuck up my head. Anyway, the lady called me back and said that 95% of the time one session would get rid of the headache....but they had no appointments for today. They DO have one for tomorrow at 2.45 so if I still have this beast tomorrow morning at 10 --- I am calling.

For now, I decided on the tylenol with codeine with a cup of fresh brewed ice coffee (which I downed right away -- I need it to be strong, fast and furious and work with the tylenol. I also ate a banana -- for some reason I feel like I read somewhere that might help with headaches). The DH looked it up and coffee has more caffeine that coke -- (though somehow there seems to be something magic about coke classic that cures what ails you). So now I wait.

I should go in the bedroom where it is dark and just lay down for awhile and be still. Maybe I will sleep -- though since I rarely have caffeine I have a feeling this might counteract the codeine and make me up up up. I wonder if it will make the bit more active...we'll see!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having suffered the extreme pregnancy headache thing a few times, here is my list of things to try before getting really desperate and calling your doctor and begging for morphine ;)

Tylenol with codeine (or percocet, safe in pregnancy if used in moderation and as prescribed)
Hot shower, if you have a shower head that adjusts, the massage setting straight to the head, although hurts at first, is surprisingly soothing.
Peppermint oil. The real thing. Buy yourself a bottle of peppermint essential oil at the co op. I keep a bottle to this day on the shelf in the shower. You can rub a drop on your temples, and that helps, but whats better is to just hold the bottle under your nose and inhale deeply.

Lay down with an icepack. Get a good ice bag at walgreens (those big blue round ones that hold a lot of ice) and plant it right on the top of your head.

HeadOn. Though it wasn't available the last time I was pregnant and suffered this type of headache, I use it now and its like a miracle drug. The stuff really works.

Hang in there :)

4:34 PM  

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