Friday, July 20, 2007

Yesterday was a bit of an adventure. I felt much like an international jetsetter -- though maybe it's more accurately like inter-county car setter. Anyway my friend Stephanie mentioned last week during a dessert run, that she was driving up to Menomonie to do a work meeting. I asked if I it would be cool if I went along --- it's was on a Thursday and I thought it would be fun to meet up with my old middle/high school friend Jessie for lunch. She asked her boss, and come Thursday morning bright and early we set off for Menomonie.

She made it in record time! I guess Tim and I are slowpokes when it comes to driving up north. Sheesh. We were an hour and a half earlier than I expected so I decided to spend it walking around the old downtown area and part of campus. I ended up buying a new pair of sunglasses at Ms. Elleanous (get it?) -- since my other ones broke this past weekend. I'll keep them for car emergencies -- since it's the nose piece that's really effed up. I really like amber colored sunglasses...those dark black ones ... they annoy me. They make everything TOO dark. I like a little tinting in my world view.

Then I went to Acoustic Cafe to sit and wait for Jessie. I hoped she would be early, but then again I had my journal so it didn't matter. I used to hang out at the Acoustic Cafe for HOURS when I was a high school student. I mean, what else was there to do? It was rather nice to have some quiet time sitting by the window and looking out into the street I had gazed upon so many times before and reflect on how many things had changed the last time I did that.

Eventually Jessie did show up -- and since I am not a fan of coffee house food in general, we headed over to one of her favorite places - China Buffet. Man, I have never seen such an array of fried Chinese food! I couldn't believe how much of that that they had, and how many desserts! The one in Madison has way more dishes. Dang. And I was a little embarassed to gag on some food in FRONT of Jessie! Gah, it caught me totally off guard and it's been like two weeks since that last happened. Sheesh. Bacon Bit's can be so finicky. Oh but I have decided banana pudding is a good thing -- well it was more like bananas in vanilla pudding. It's settled. I have to make some.

After China Buffet we got some iced drinks at Caribou Coffee (a blended minty mocha thing for her, and a blending chai for me) and then walked over to the Dollar Tree to do some shopping! It's nice to be able to go into that store with someone else who wants to be there and no just Tim -- who incidentally hates it when I ask him "How much is this? Is this really only a dollar?"

Stephanie called then to say her meeting was over and she came over to pick me up (it was right next to the on ramp to the highway). So yeah, I took pictures but I have a lot more things to photograph for July before they go up. :D All in all it was a nice visit, though I sort of wished I had dressed up more -- because Jessie looked great.

I got home and rested for a while. Bil Phil came over to borrow the lawn mower. I gave him our yellow squash that I can't eat, and a big piece of Pecan pie. He said he had an interview with a landscaping place -- I hope he gets it. It sounds like a great job. After he left I decided to finish cleaning up the guest room, and then later moved to the living room. I would say that the whole house is offically, for the first time since January I am sure, clean this month, except....I can't because the office is totally junky and disorganized. Hey, you can't do it all? And five out of six rooms isn't bad.

Today I am "working" and then meeting up with Kathleen to do some Maxwell Street Days shopping. After that I have to rush home to meet my old Czech friend Mike (aka Ook), and then Tim, he and I all go and meet Oliver for some beer and later on some mexican food. :D Mike is spending the night, but I don't know his plans for Saturday.

The only things I have planned this weekend are: planting a little garden area in the front, and going to a Coffee with the Hounds thing at Ground Zero and meet up with a bunch of other crazy greyhound owners and their dogs.

Oh the best compliment yesterday was when Jessie said "You look way smaller in person than in your pictures." :D


Blogger Sleep late... dream more. said...

your bit aboput the dollar store made me laugh out loud :) I can totally see him not particularly enjoying his time in there

5:15 PM  

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