Yesterday I went over to Hilary's to drop off two chairs and a table, and sort of help with Birthday party preparations. Anyway, while I was there, so was her husband Jason, who was celebrating his birthday with his birthday toy -- some kind of camera flash. Well, he has the whole thing set up and then asked if he could take a picture or two. At first I said no, then I thought "What am I afraid of? Why not?" So I did, and I got a few pictures with Hilary and Leta done. Yesterday I thought I looked great but today I am not so sure.
I mean, we have all this idea of what we look like, right? A sort of vague idea? Well, I try not to dwell on that too much and just go with how I THINK I look rather than probably how I really look. However, there are times when you just stop, and give yourself a moment to really take in a image and look at it. I did that today with these pictures. Do I really look like this?
I mean I don't wear makeup that often, my hair is straight, and I really do have a lazy left eye -- I have always had it and my brother Shane shares trait with me. However, how could I forget that nose is so big! And look at that chin! (thank goodness at least one of the just showed up for the party). Plus, how could people think I don't ethnic? I mean, when I see these pictures I see native american written all over the place - why is skin color the main characteristic of how ethnic one looks? Well, look for yourself. I think my main question, is .... is this how I really look? When people look at these pictures do they think "Yes, that's how Laura looks."
[Photos courtesy of of J. Samsa]

That is recognizeably you, but something about that flash does make you look different. It seems to have emphasized some planes and shadows of your face. Your face is more extreme in the pictures, especially around the eyes and nose. And I don't think I'd noticed your chin dimple before.
I'm dealing with some pictures from the MI trip that make me look like a whale in comfortable knitwear. Gotta stop eating so much, even though I can still blame breastfeeding for making me so hungry.
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