Sunday, October 14, 2007

Now it's time for your regularly scheduled Sunday night post. :) Just sit back and relax, dear friend, let's chat. Where shall I begin?

No, it's nothing really exciting, just the same old stuff really. But if you are anything like me, then you like reading about the same old, every day stuff. I like it because it's like a letter. You know?

Last Thursday was the breastfeeding class at Happy Bambino. It was a goodish class. I learned all the different holds, and the pros and cons of each, a little how to on pumping, a bit on the problems that may arise with breastfeeding - but mostly what I learned was the benefits of it and why everyone should do it. I was a little disappointed with that quite honestly because the class was REALLY long. It started at 5:30 and ended at 9:10. That is a long time to go especially since I felt like 1/2 of the class was a infomercial on why you should breastfeed. I mean come on, we were all there weren't we? Kind of like preaching to the choir if you ask me. I got home and was starving! Good thing I had crock potted dinner that night even if the recipe wasn't that great. Anyway, I really hope that I am able to breastfeed....but I have learned my lesson on making any kind of assumptions about these sorts of things (for example conceiving...). I am just going to cross my fingers and hope for the best.

Friday night the DH and I had a bit of a date night by getting Papa Murphy's pizza. I drove there and for some reason some asshole behind me was pissed I was following the rules of the law and had waited when I was unsure if someone was going to drive by me in the parking lot or park. Tim said I should have gone for it right away, but I wasn't sure and so I waited. It's not like it hurt anyone. Anyway the asshole parked next to me and gave me pointed dirty looks for several long seconds. I ignored him and had a discussion of "what the fuck?" with Tim regarding my driving and how I didn't break any laws, speed driving non-aggressively isn't the end of the world. Still, I'd be lying if I said it didn't bother me still a little. I was tempted to get out of the car and ask the man how he was hurt by me waiting for a few extra seconds. For the record he went to DQ and was gone by the time we got out of Papa Murphy's. Maybe this means I am a good candidate for road rage because I am still a little miffed about it? I am trying to let it go...yeah just let it go. I'm blaming this extra emotion on the Bacon Bit effect.

We went home, ate the pizza, cheesy bread and cookies -- watched Jesus Camp and was unimpressed and then played Halo III for awhile before going to bed.

Saturday we slept in and eventually found our way to the Annual Greyhound Gala where we were rather unlucky. We didn't win a bag raffle this year and to be honest we just weren't that into it. We did our part though by participating, getting Pluto a new bandana and a new T-shirt for Tim. Afterward we went home took a big two hour nap, and I watched The Last Mimzy and crocheted (the movie was disappointing as well). After that we played Halo until 1:00 in the morning when we beat the second difficulty..or should I say third? All that is left is Legendary -- but to be honest we are a little burnt out on it.

Today, I didn't sleep in that late and got up to watch the last half of Sunday morning and eat some peanut butter captain crunch. Hilary called to have some coffee before our cloth diapering 101 class and picked me up. We had a lovely, if very brief, pastry and coffee before heading over to the class in which we were a little late. I missed the introduction of folks and how far along they were (introductions is my favorite part of a new class or anything for that matter -- it's sort of like missing previews at the movies). Anyway. The teacher spoke really fast, but after a while I got the hang of what she was saying. I learned a TON about cloth diapering and feel like I have a really good handle on what we are going to do now. :) I am quite happy with that class. I don't know if Hilary was as much but I did appreciate the company.

After that Tim and I drove over to Target to buy a car seat for Bacon Bit. We got the Flex-Loc Baby Trend infant car seat and some more toilet paper. Since the Bit is getting bigger I have had to start visiting the rest room much more frequently. I am trying to be very aware of how much toilet paper I use every time, and keep to an absolute minimum but when you are going every 1/2 to 1 hour...well we ran out. We haven't installed it was raining today. I think we'll wait a bit...or rather I'll wait until Tim does it. ;) It's probably a good idea to do it this week sometime so that the dog gets used to having it in the car and can adjust. Pluto is a bit of a whiner.

Car seat and toilet paper in hand we then searched high and low for a used Gears of War xbox game. We eventually found it and headed home to play it for a good portion of the afternoon while the from scratch chili we made simmered. It's a good game so far! I did have to take a little tylenol at one point because learning the new system was some head work for me. In fact, Tim is playing it right now while I am typing this up. I am doing my best to type fast so that I can join him.

Oh, I forgot to say that we had our tour of Labor and Delivery at St. Mary's. I am disappointed to report that I was the only one with any sort of questions during the tour and there were five other couples. Of course we didn't talk to each other at all - -gah what is up with that?! Why don't pregnant people or couples talk to each other? Why is it only okay to talk when we all finally have kids? Because then we talk about the kids? Anyway, the tour was okay, they had cookies and water and some sort of video we never got to see because it wasn't working right. We did get to see all the places we would go too and they even brought out a two day old baby to show us how the electronic tags work. Man that baby was teeny! I asked how much it was and the nurse said it was 6 pounder. One good thing about the place is that they encourage skin to skin contact right away after birth (apparently very important for breastfeeding), and they have wireless internet connection there so we will be able to bring our laptop! Awesome.

Okay, the bathroom siren calls again and I want to play a bit before bed. Night!


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