Bacon Bit is now laying sideways, face down -- which explains the pulverizing in my lower abdomen. Oy. Kicks AND punches. I think this weeks photo shows it too.
Other items of note: No cervical checks until week 38 or after. I do have my Strep B test for next time, I gained another 6 pounds over the past month and was instructed to not worry about it because studies show that monitor weight has no real affect of the outcome of a I am going to try and do just that. I don't know how it happens, I think it's all going to the Bit. Blood pressure was great at 120/60 though...and what else...oh the uterus was measuring at 33 -- but with a sideways laying Bit that is totally understandable. I am gonna have to start playing some music again down low for Bacon Bit to move back down.
Here ya go! (First a reminder of 32 1/2 weeks for comparison)

32 1/2 Weeks
34 1/2 Weeks
(Getting MUCH bigger, if you ask me)
I would write more, but I have been sitting here on the exercise ball and my knees are starting to get really stiff and sore and I need to move.
However, let me leave with you with some more photos of the past two weekends.

Mark and Erica's Wedding (with Rev. Tim and Sharon)
Kelly, Ben's girl friend and my day companion
I had a terrible mood swing at the wedding pretty much looked like this for the duration of it. I promise to never take mood swings for granted again. This one really kicked my ass. :(

Chuck and Kathleen's Going Away Party at the Great Dane at Hilldale (they done gone moved to Baton Rouge)
A Birthday Party for one little girl who turned five!
We drove to Chicago to attend a baby shower for Mike and Rachel (expecting a boy a few days before us)
yay peektures! You look great! I can't believe you're almost there. Also how lucky are you to have friends having kids so close to when you are having yours. *cry* I miss everybody!!
also I need to start taking more pictures. I got this spiffy new camera and I NEVER bring it anywhere.
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