Another rotating of the guard is about to occur. A nurse change is coming up, and we will be bidding a fond farewell to our third nurse during our stay. Contractions are strong, but irregular. Baby is really coming down. The current nurse, the resident-on-duty, and this faithful scribe all agree that it looks like Bacon Bit will be born on the 23rd. While it remains within the realm of possibility that she will show up on the 22nd, she seems to be taking her time. I'm sensing a theme, and already dread the implication that waking her up to go to school will be an Herculean task.
It's time for another cup of coffee for me. Alas, the DW is limited to ice chips, the price of an epidural.
Gee, I'm done guesing birth time. I obviously suck at it, so does my mom for that matter. Hopefully, things will start moving along soon. Until then, were still thinking about you over here. Curtis feels for you Tim, when you mentioned being told to shut up. He simply hung his head and sent up a prayer for protection.
Pft. I have no idea what he means, I as as sweet as Jane Ayre when I was in labor the first time...
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