Sunday, December 30, 2007

To answer Hilary's question - yes we do have a swing -- but it's one of the older models that is just a swing that goes back and forth. It is not one of the fancy cradle swings that goes either way. It's my experiences that babies like the sideways motion when they are little and the back and forth motion a little later. At this point, Morella still hates the swing. I try it every now and then to see if she has changed her mind and so far now. I WISH I had a cradle swing. I had said it was one of the things I had wanted -- but I guess I am getting by without it.

Thank god for the exercise ball. Though it takes a toll on my back it's the only thing that calms her down when she's really shouting is to bounce.

And now for the reason I am posting -- while pumping last night I came across this site: Hands free pumping that involves four hair bands total. I tried it out and holy cow! It works and I don't have to get no special bra! Hurray! Hurray for typing and surfing the internet and pumping at the same time or I can do chest compressions at the same time to speed things up. I don't know I could handle holding a baby though. I guess time will tell.

Man I need a shower.


Blogger zoey said...

Wow. Wish I had know about that back when I was pumping. I was a little afraid to open the link at first though. I wasn't sure how four hair bands helped with pumping.

1:56 PM  
Blogger Hilary said...

the exercise ball is brilliant... and cullen won't go in a swing if he is upset, he has to be awake and not crying (but can be a little fussy--if it is due to being tired) otherwise being put in a swing will make him more upset. It's just good for when I need to run downstairs or do dishes or whatever. At this point the boppy just isn't very entertaining. :P

9:31 AM  

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