Tuesday, December 18, 2007

It's 10:30 -- I put her down to scream it out. She was all froggy and struggling to breath again so Tim thought a good crying fit would help her. She cried for about 7 minutes while I pumped -- because she rejected me again straight out, but then latched onto my thumb and was still clearly hungry.

She is hungry. But refuses the breast, and drinks a bottle VERY slowly. Like an ounce an hour. Her stuffy nose and froggy throat have not gotten better despite the humidifier and no noticeable boogers in her nose.

Gah. Do we wait until next Monday to do something about this? Or is this something I can call the clinic about? I don't know how this works?! Would they even believe me? I feel like I need to have Tim there with me to prove my case.

Why is she refusing the breast now? Even in the beginning days with the bad latching and nipple shields she would at least try. Now overnight she's like -- no thanks?

I mean, she did nurse at 6:00 for a good 25 minutes. But that was it, oh and this morning at 3.30am -- but all other attempts are for naught. Is she going to be on the bottle now for the next couple of days? Do I just continue what I am doing? Is this breastfeeding venture on the verge of collapse?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, call the pediatrician's office and ask to talk to a nurse there about whether you should schedule an earlier appointment. Be descriptive about symptoms, and be clear that this is a newborn who's lower weight, having trouble breathing, and still not eating well from breast or bottle. There may also be a 24-hour nurse line affiliated with the doctor's office if you want to talk to someone sooner rather than tomorrow.

Does she seem well-hydrated? wet mouth, lips not dry, soft spot on her head not sunken, still several wet dipes a day? If not, yeah, call some help asap.


12:19 AM  
Blogger Hilary said...

maybe she has a tummy full of snot. What's her poop like?

babies go through periods where they nurse all the time, and then they sleep all the time and don't nurse, and they just aren't very good about keeping a schedule until they're a few months old.

I've heard of babies going on boob strikes. You should check out barefootprego's journal, her baby just had one.

And Laura, pick up the phone and call any time you feel like it. Don't be shy!

6:21 AM  
Blogger Jadesymb said...

call the doc.
see what they say.
good luck!

12:00 PM  

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