Real quickly because Morella is getting sick of sitting at the computer. These pictures aren't that awesome...but they will do. I am sure you will see more of me in the upcoming days as I get used to the new hair do and really make it my own.

Before ... I thought about making this one black and white, you just like on those before and after ads that you see on TV and in magazines...but in the end decided that though that would be wouldn't provide the best comparison shot.

After. This is me this morning after quickly brushing it still has product leftover from And that stupid cat just HAD to be in the picture... :P For the record, this is the shortest that my hair has ever been. Tim wasn't quite sure about the hair cut, baby thinks it's great as does Sigrid and the other lady at the salon. Why is that men say they like short hair but whenever you get a short cut they are sort of "eh." I think they just like short hair on other women. :P
Men are really dumb. They say us women have no clue what we want, but it's really them. CUrt's dream woman has fair smooth skin and black very long hair--he married me. My dad's dream woman is very tall with red hair--he married a short black head. Well, shes a short white head now, but it was never red.
My point is, they have no clue what they want, they probably just saw their so-called ideal on a porn at one time and figured it was what they wanted. I quit trying to achieve that ideal long ago--I look like a dead person in black hair and it never grows past my shoulders. I think its cute as hell and is super you. You look like one of those cool collected stylin' moms--check you out, edgy with a pacifier.
I LOVE IT!!! You look SO good!
I love how you even have the kinda 'down' facial expression in your "Before" shot and a big smile in your "After" shot :)
I like it. Both the expressions and the actual haircut! I agree that it's different than I'd imagined it on you, but it'll be good. You're totally on your way to being a trendy mom!
and wow.... I had no idea you hair was THAT LONG.... I guess when you wear it UP all the time, then you know it's time to cut it.... and yes - some drastic haircuts take some getting used to... if nothing else the new routine of it all. I'm still on the fence about my own haircut.... this whole blowdrying business is for the birds (and yet.. and yet I've been doing it every single morning this week. dude. I'm turning vain.)
Wow. I like the new doo!
Oona said she liked the after pic. She said the selling point was the baby in your hands.
I loooooove it!!
Hi Laura! I like your new haircut.
I'm currently trying to figure out what to do with my own hair. Grrr!
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