Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I know it's been forever since I have posted. As my friend Hilary said, sometimes so much stuff happens that you have so much to post...that you don't end up posting because you get overwhelmed.

I will say this for spring -- Morella and I are a lot more busy than we used to be! Most days we have no set plans or if we do it's a little thing. But somehow the days are just flying by and jampacked with stuff.

Right now she is napping. I finally had to put her down at 1:00 because that is the end of my limit for the noon day pump. She went down with a little chatter -- I have a feeling she rolled over onto her back. All this rolling over and now sitting!! (she sat unassisted for several minutes over at her Aunt Kandance's house yesterday) has me on the look out for a crib. Hear that folks? We need a crib. I have been looking at craigslist, but now my fried Laima telling me that she saw cribs at a garage sales for less than $20 makes me think I could do better than 75$ ... hm. Well see. I'll keep an eye and in the meantime I guess watch Craigslist in case Morella suddenly learns to pull herself up. For some reason a crib is just not something I can see wanting to pay full price for. I mean, we put it off for what? Almost six months? That's pretty darn good!

Soon she will be in her own room...which means i need to start clearning it out. I have already started by organizing things...and I can't move the desk with my sewing machine until the cosleeper is out of the bedroom.

IT's been two weeks since we ordered our couch. I wonder if it will come in the 4 or the 6 range that the salesperson mentioned. How ready do I need to be? I think I have another two weeks for sure to slack on the office spring cleaning.

The leftover for lunch today was pitiful. You hear me darling?! Pitiful. It was barely a cup. Why even bother?

This past weekend was so busy with a doggie birthday party, a one year old birthday party and dinner with the grandparents. I have a ton of pictures from that and from yesterday which was Morella's first hike. It's picture overload! Morella had her first time in the grass (thanks to Sarah's suggestion), she got to meet some of her biggest fans and had a great time doing so!

Oh she stirs. I need to still get dressed, put in my contacts, do something with my hair and think about whether or not I should call the pharmacy to see if her prescription is filled and get it today followed by a quick grocery shopping trip. Let's see...she ate at 12.30...she won't be hungry again until 3.30 or that should give us enough time. I also want to check out the Restore for curtain rods...but that is the sort of thing I could walk over and do and make it a stroller/exercise outing sans Pluto. I could do that tomorrow. You know, I still gotta spread the good stuff out during the days. Though it is supposed to rain. I am not rambling.

I am so hungry. I ate a big apple after that and it was ... meh. I guess it held me over an extra hour.

We are about to reach critical mass in our freezer with milk. I did some math and figured out that I only have enough space in our freezer for maybe a month a half to two months of frozen milk. I had entertained thought of stopping pumping before we went on vacation at the end of July in which Morella would be 8 months old. I thought maybe we would have enough milk to get us by until she was 12 but that won't work. I guess I am still going to have to bring it with us and pump and dump. I am sort of worried about bringing the pump. It's not something I trust to pack with our baggage...what if it gets lost? This is the kind of thing that I need to have with me. I tried manually pumping once and it was such a pain in the butt and took forever! Anyway. So I am going to have to bring the pump as my carry on which prompted a lengthy discussion with Tim about how many carry on's are allowed. I thought it was just one, but does a backpack (the pump) AND purse? I mean does a purse count as a carry on?

I decided to look into seeing what can be done about donating milk. I left a message with the milk people and am waiting to hear back. I have a feeling I shouldn't have declined that HIV test way back when because I won't really be saving myself from a needle if they require it. I was just so angry about the quad testing at the time that I wanted to refuse SOME test.

Okay for reals I am going now. Now that I unplugged the drain maybe I can post some more.


Blogger Unknown said...

I'm a ways away, but I now have 3 cribs. I decided to go with the playpen and 2-year crib leaving 2 full size cribs. The one needs a paint job and a new matress, the other one I need to ask about, but it's newer. I have no idea what the matress looks like. Both are free for the taking if you want. Otherwise, they really are a dime a dozen at garage sales and usually can be easily ckeaned up with paint and a good matress cover.

7:05 AM  

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