May 2009 photos are up. Here we have Tim, Morella and neice - Eden (10 days old)
Hey. Busy day. I finally tackled a project I have been working on all summer of putting up some wall shelves that I got at a garage sale for $3. I first painted them the accent color we have of some other things in the bedroom and then today figured out how the heck to use a stud finder (I hate those things...it's official) and then finally drilled and assembled the bookshelf. Meanwhile the rest of the bedroom is a disaster, but it's honestly been that way the whole month. I'm not even going to tell you how bad the kitchen has gotten while I have been focusing on this project.
Anyway. Tomorrow I am going to work on the bedroom some more. I want to get everything situated before Crouton gets here and we have to move furniture around to accommodate the cosleeper. I would rather get things sort of where they would be first and get used to it.
I also finished putting captions to pictures, so the May 2009 photos are finally up and ready to be seen. So yeah, check them out. Maybe the sheer number of pictures will make up for the scant number of postings these past two weeks.
We haven't gotten the new dishwasher yet. It was on back order. The dude kept pushing the white model on me, but I resisted. I almost got the feeling he thought we couldn't live without one. Ha ha ha ha hah..... you can't miss what you've never known. Tim said he was just afraid we would cancel our order and get it from someplace else immediately. Maybe. It's coming next Wednesday.
Tim got his new video card and managed to fix the desktop. He said he broke a fan though, so the whole thing is still sketchy. We are thinking we need a new desktop anyway. I guess we'll see how the week goes.
I got a letter or card from a friend yesterday and Morella lost it without me opening it! I know it's around here somewhere....oh man. This house needs a major fit of "nesting". I hope I get it with Crouton because I sure never got it with Morella. Maybe I can fake it....
Oh and lastly, I bought some microfiber today from an automotive store so that I can make some inserts for Morella's diapers. She has been peeing through them several times a day. It's not that the diapers are less absorbent, it's that she has a lot more pee to dump. Today I also bought her a training potty. Is potty training hard? How did our ancestors do it? I just kind of feel like books, special videos and all that jazz seem kind of ... commercialized that the easiest way to do it is to just ask if they need to use it and then...oh I don't know what I am talking about.
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