Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Tomorrow is only one guess from Tiara. Good luck!
Today was a beautiful day weather wise. I met up with one of my neighbors and her son Leo to go downtown to stop in Capitol Kids and then visit the small Farmer's Market. We managed to get a drink and make to the toy store but then parted ways afterward because her kid pooped and neither of us had diapers with us. Not that it would have mattered if I DID have a diaper because Morella is still in size 3 and I think her kid is in size 5.

The toy store was awesome. I have been there before with Morella but this was the first time that she went in and acted like a kid in candy store. She looked around in complete amazement and wanted out to look around. She was in heaven! It was so much fun to see. I ended up getting her a pull along bus toy because all of the other ones they had sucked. I had been looking for a pull toy for her for quite some time now. She ended up playing with it a bunch after the Farmer's Market while walking back to the car around the Capitol. It was so ... very ... very .. .cute.

I bought a huge bouquet of flowers for only $4, fresh cheese curds and a fresh picked blackberries. Morella ended up having that for lunch before taking her nap. I think that Tim might be right when he suggested yesterday that maybe her nap time is getting shorter. She has been fairly consistent with taking only a 1 1/2 hour nap. I know. I should be glad and lucky that I still get a nap a day but I wasn't ready for this. Not yet. Maybe after she is two and we are all settled into a nice routine.

After that we played in the backyard. I mowed, started a letter to my Mom, ran and errant to figure out how to hang a swing off one of the tree branches in the back yard (failed attempt). Then Tim came home and I told him he needed to make dinner but in the end did everything but stand there and turn it off. We had ring bologna and fried potatoes. After dinner we headed out for our evening walk. Came home. Put Morella to bed. I watched So You Think You Can Dance and then cleaned up the kitchen and living room and here we are now.

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. I have a baby sitter for Morella which was hard to find because it's a 12:40 appointment which is smack dab in everyone's nap time -- Morella included. Luckily my friend Lowen said she would come over and look after her. The doctor is going to want to "check" for whatever good that will do, and possibly sweep the membranes if she can even get her fingers that far. Having a super high cervix really blows sometimes. She is going to want to talk induction, and I am going to push for the last possible day.

Yes. I know, it would be terribly convenient for everyone if this baby would just hurry up and come -- but it's not something I want to force. In fact, if anyone even implies that I am -- in any shape or form responsible for when Crouton comes -- I will want to punch you in the face. I am healthy. Crouton is healthy -- therefore the little bugger should come whenever she wants. NOT when I make the doctor appointment for an induction.


Blogger Sleep late... dream more. said...

i kinda feel like i should enter in 2 more guesses, simply because no one guessed for Aug 8 or 9 .... hang in there Laura - you're so close! hey - how'd you like the blueberry muffins?

9:07 AM  

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