Wii Fit Plus Quest day 2
Target East - No.
Walmart Supercenter - No, but they get shipments on Sunday's it seems.
Best Buy - Sorry, nope.
Shopko - Nope.
AG Day 3:
--Athena's big chubby cheeks
--Good Health Insurance
--Candy Cane Lane Decaf Green Tea
10 Things you Probably didn't know about me -- the Eating Edition
1. I can't eat mushrooms, broccoli, yellow squash, sunchokes, or burdock root without experiencing great intestinal discomfort.
2. I usually will eat food that has fallen on the floor after a quick visual inspection to make sure there is nothing obviously icky on it. And if it's my house, I just pick off the dog or cat hair and blow on it, before eating it.
3. I have a strong gag reflex and can't eat gristle, or fatty things. Ugh, just thinking about it has me looking for paper napkin.
4. My preference of ordering food is: chicken, veggie, beef and the pork (because of said gag reflex).
[Edit...my computer shut down because of low battery and I panicked and restarted the whole thing and thank goodness this post is still here....whew! That is an AG #4, me thinks.]
5. The first time I ever took myself out to eat was to Taco Bell when I was 17.
6. I don't like really spicy food.
7. I hate the taste of hard alcohol (with a few rare exceptions in which I can't taste it, like Soco in apple cider) to the point of not liking desserts
like tiramisu.
8. I am lactose intolerant.
9. I have a very strong sweet tooth -- particularly for pastries.
10. I love bread. I could just eat a dinner of bread with a some butter or a little oil.
There, that wasn't so hard.
I watched Alien Versus Predator: Requeim tonight in continuing with my Alien themed weekend. Oy. It was kind of boring -- and I ended up spending most of it on the computer putzing around.
Oh my god, we went shoe shopping this evening for Tim. He needed some new all purpose black shoes and we ended up at Famous Footwear. Morella wandered about near me, climbing benches and looking around while I tried on clearance shoes one footed while balancing a baby. Suddenly, I noticed that Morella was holding up a boot to me with a big grin on her face. Soon she has a pile of boots and discarded shoe wrappings around. The boots in question? Princess boots.

She has perfectly awesome Oshkosh BGosh boots, but these garish boots are what ended up on her feet. I am just amazed at how she found these boots among so many other cool shoes. Okay, so obviously we aren't going to let her get these as winter is almost over (I hope). No, no, instead we let her get the next pair of shoes she glommed onto.

The sparkle, they light up when she walks, they are covered in shiny things and most importantly, they have princesses, which include her favorite - Belle. This is the first pair of shoes that Morella has ever picked out for herself. I think we were so enamored by the cuteness of it, that she got away with it. So much for classy shoes that we can pass onto Athena. These things will be so trashed by that time...at least we have plenty of other thoughtfully picked out nice shoes that are hand me downs waiting.
Morella was so proud that she walked out of the store wearing them. I should also note that she hasn't seen any of these movies (we tried Cinderella but it was too scary) and she has never seen Beauty and the Beast so we have no idea while Belle is her favorite. But you know, I am glad that is the case because she has brown hair. :P
Afterward we stopped at Old Navy to get Morella some more grip socks. I had put her in a pair of non skid ones tonight (all I could find) and she skidded on the hardwood floor and landed hard on her butt. Hard enough to complain about not wanting to walk and I'm certain there will be a big bruise ... but hopefully nothing is broken. I also got Athena three outfits on clearance. The total number of new clothes that I have bought for Athena is now 6 total. She is at a strange stage right now because she is 9-12 month, and Morella was in summer clothes at that point.
Ugh. Going through gobs of baby clothes is such a pain, but I guess a pain that I am grateful (AG#5 -- I'm on fire!) for considering most of them are from friends.
Athena cries and it's late (ended this post at 12:04A)
Did you try Costco for the Wii Fit Plus?
Lactose intolerant and a yen for pastries. Lady fortune can be so cruel.
Ruth chose almost those exact same shoes at JC Penney shortly after Nick was born! She spotted them before I could turn the stroller away so _I_ could choose. They were more expensive than I'd planned to pay, but it was exciting that they'd called to her so obviously. Anyway, JC Penney was having a buy one, get one half off sale, and she needed dress shoes too, so I allowed the princess sneaks. Those shoe designers must really know what they're doing. Those Disney Princess artists, too.
Ruth really took to Cinderella when we visited my folks over Christmas. She kind of wanted to talk through the scary/sad parts, though, and reassure herself that things would be okay. She liked the ball scene the most, of course.
She also adores Mulan, which surprises me. I think the Hun villain, the wasted village, and the avalanche are pretty darn scary. Still, she requests Mulan or "The China Show" daily.
I can't think of that many food facts and aversions. I have a pretty global tongue and iron stomach. I agree on the not *really* spicy stuff, though. If a food tastes like burning and makes me cry, it's not food.
I'll make sure to leave out the burdock root when we have you over to eat again! I'm apparently allergic to kapok. Huh-what?
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