Friday, September 13, 2002

I went home last night and washed all the dishes, and cleaned the kitchen and bathroom. Then I went out to catch a bus to the Loyola stop, and the bus driver barely stopped. My brilliant idea of walking as little as possible was squelched when the driver ignored my three or four tugs of the line, only to stop four blocks away when I asked him "Does this bus not stop?". He apologized and said he was had his mind someplace else, and then gave me a free transfer. Which meant nothing, because I already had a free transfer going for me on my card. In any case, I walk back to Loyola and take the train to Sheridan and find Erika and Rachal easily, with help from excellent directions.

Their apartment is very nice, and Ikea like..utilizing space in a simple, yet elegant way. We then went to Nick's Uptown to have a drink and play darts. Erika won both times, if you will believe. We made plans to meet Saturday night at Neo, where a few others are going to be there. I got home by 10.38, (I had to take a cab from Howard because I was reading and missed the Loyola stop). Ahh well. Ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and the Anna Nicole show. Then went to bed...because TODAY.....ladies and gentlemen....Tim comes home. 8) Yah!


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