Tuesday, January 07, 2003

Okay. So work is less that busy today. Again. It a new year, and in the new year I always make an effort to meet new people and find more penpals (it helps with the whole writing...to constantly be writing be it fiction, email, letters, etc.). Check out my ad, lets take bets on if anyone answers, shall we?

...but it could not be undone
Posted by: hadjare on Jan. 7 2003, 12:07 pm
Location: North America - United States

Age : 27
Gender : Female
Text : I am and/like: eccentric, stories, scifi/fanatasy literature, movies, television, costumes. Music ebm/industrial/synth/goth, new age/instrumental/classical, techno/triphop. Meeting new people, ideas, perspectives, ways of living, animals, computers, video games (console more than pc), crafts (ohh do I love crafts: beading, leatherwork, stamping, and various other odd projects), dancing, laughing, I am 1/2 native american, married, no kids and currently living in Chicago.

I prefer postal mail (I hate the word snail), but will do electronic or a combination of both. Interested?


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