Sunday, July 06, 2003

Tim left today. The rain was imminently on the horizon. I drank a high life and watched the Majestic on HBO. Now I am writing email and printing out a letter or two while packing and listening to music. I always stay up too late the first night he is gone. Rather, my sleep schedule in general gets pretty messed up. Sleeping early and long, late and tired etc. etc.

There is a lot of packing to do. Using movers means you have to box things like the microwave, lamps, the vcr, wooden boxes, that makes everything so much more complicated. Good thing I should be able to get a lot of boxes at work this next week as two labs are moving two buildings away. I can't use them of course until Tim picks them up from work on the weekend.

I wish I would get some mail. :( Hell, I would even take Email at this point.


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