Monday, September 22, 2003

Whoa, I'm getting lazy. I haven't posted since last Wednesday? Unbelievable.

Sunday I hosted my first ever Bridal Shower. I think it well. The decorations, food and guest of honor all looked good. I went out on Saturday night to the Inferno with my darling and drank too much and only at the end did I start to have fun dancing (maybe because I drank too much?). Heh. During the day we went to the library where I got several books, and then to a new game store downtown where I picked up Endless Nights. We also went to Burlington Coat Factory where I found the biggest selection of curtains (so nice, so many) for SO cheap. I finally have curtains in my living room instead of a red sheet half assed covering our business from the world. The side window needs to have it's curtain cut in half so that it opens to both sides and looks a little more aesthetically pleasing.

Tonight Mike is in town and Tim and I are going to meet him and Sigrid and Matt for dinner.

And, ganked from Jason, you have to see this to believe it.


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