Thursday, August 12, 2004

The Triplets of Bellville was on last night in our DVD player. It was good, lots of great details, cute, with some obvious statements about certain countries...but over all .. .weird but good. I recommend it...not that anyone should really take my movie recommendations seriously. My book recommendations? That is another story.

I sparred the whole time last night. Navy dude got kicked in the head by the Hyper Sixteen got a seriously red eye -- which I am sure is black by this morning. Iron Man then said I should spar with Hyper and I said "Hell no, did you see what he just did to Navy?" Master Ring then said I could decide if I wanted too, but one look at Hyper Sixteen and it was obvious he felt bad. So I said I would give him a chance. He was very mellow and didn't try to much -- good. But after that I went back to sparring with Iron Man and Ned Look Alike - they are calmer and don't have anything to prove.

That on top of some DDR, walking in the morning and ... um...riding bike around doing errands = an exhausted me when I put myself to bed last night. Of course I made up for it this morning by sleeping until 11:00. For shame.


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