Tuesday, September 14, 2004

My neighbors gave me three tomato's and a cucumber. Cool. [pun...get it? ha ha ha] Right now I am washing a load of laundry and my uniform. I forgot to wash it over the weekend and had to wear it last night and almost caused myself to pass out. Ugh...and no matter how many times I do it, I never seem to learn the lesson -- spraying freshner on it will not make the smell go away. It just makes it worse. I just don't want to smell like semen dude. Yeah, I know you wanted that imagery.

I got up early this morning, like I should. Although I have to cut myself SOME slack because I didn't get any good sleep the night before. I wrote a letter to my Mom and watched a MTV show that was about embarrassing parents. There was this teenage kid who was going with his Jedi father in full costume to a Star Wars conference. I haven't laughed so hard -- my favorite part was when the teenager dressed up as a Storm Trooper and his father got all misty eyed and cried and caused the dude they were borrowing the ST costume to cry too. It was just so touching.

Ha ha. It still makes me laugh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

tomatoes and a cucumber? you know what you can make with that, don't you? gazpacho! also known as the cold soup... it's really tasty, especially in hot weather.

and it's so easy to make - you chop up the tomatoes and dice up the cucumber [altho half is usually enough for me; i like the cool taste it imparts but i'm not actually wild about cucumber otherwise] and i usually add in some chopped onion and green pepper, maybe some yellow corn kernels if you have them, add in some spices like salt, pepper, cumin for sure, a little chili powder or paprika, definitely mash in a clove or two of garlic and the real key is to drip in some olive oil. i never used to use it and then one day i tried some, basically because i thought it would just give the vegetable chunks a little more gleam - seriously, i thought it would be visually appealing! and it turned out to make all the difference in the world. [that sounds like a lot of ingredients but the tomatoe and cucumber are the main tastes so just add in whatever sort of stuff you like. i like the zing added by onion and pepper but you could add in some julienned carrot if you wanted a little sweeter taste or use some ancho chiles if you wanted a little sharper snap on the tongue. go your own way.]

coarse puree about half that in a blender, slowly so it doesn't get all full of air and become all pink, then pour it back into the rest. then, dump in a can of spicy V8, mix it all together and put it in the refrigerator for as long as you can resist.

then serve it up. cheese sandwiches, tortilla chips, peasant bread - pretty much any of those and a cold beer make for one of the best meals you can have, especially if you take it outside and eat on the porch or at a picnic table or wherever.

i'm gonna try serving it with falafel and hummus on the side when me folks come to visit this week, and i'm not sure how those tastes are going to mix.

this was phil, if you couldn't tell. how's that self-actualization stuff coming?

8:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how'd the gazpacho turn out for you? [either or any of "you"]

mine worked out fine but we ended up eating it for lunch with roasted garlic bread from the store. but that meant we could have fresh salad with the falafel and hummus, which actually turned out to be a good compliment.

merlot helps, too.

turns out my dad liked falafel; for some reason i didn't think he would. he's been surprising me on the food-tip, last couple years. first it was natural ovens bread and then it was going to see SUPERSIZE ME and asking for second helpings the first time i made gazpacho for the family. guess old dogs can learn new tricks...

12:09 AM  
Blogger hadjare said...

Actually, I didn't make it. We were out of town and busy all last weekend and this week I have been sick. I will make it soon though! Soon. Then I will let you know.

8:44 PM  

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