Sunday, February 06, 2005

Dangit! I have a cold. I am glad that is a common cold this time..but still. When is this going to stop?! When can I be healthy again and completely back to my old self? I feel like such a waste. Everything I try to do seems like it is taking monumental amounts of effort.

I suppose. The hardest part of living to keep pulling yourself up by your bootstraps.

I am all explody again -- but I don't want to take another benedryl yet because it makes me so sleepy and I already had to take a nap today. Hmm.

Tim's parents came for a visit today...and they brought gifts! Wow. We got two new handmade fluffy fleecy type blankets, a two liter soda cooler, a left handed calander for Tim, a Star Wars Monopoly game --- and for my birthday...guess what the Mother in Law gave me? If you guessed a brand new sewing machine, I would like to hire you out for other questions I have my life.

But yeah, it's a BRAND new sewing machine! It's a little blue number that didn't work right away when we tried it out so there was a whole shebang where we had to go to East Town Mall and exchange it for another at Sears (with a Cinnabon for me) followed by a trip to JoAnn Fabrics (him mom wanted to go) where she bought me a sewing machine suitcase type thing. My god. IT's too much, but I couldn't say no since she was SO intent on it. I mean, at least it was on clearance, but 40 bucks for at travelling suitcase for my brand spanking new sewing machine...oh boy. IT's so easy to use, it purrs like a champ, it's cute....I'll take a picture or two. I am still kind of overwhelmed. I set it up in the guest room on a a little desk I had in there since I got a new one.

And at JoAnn's, I got a cross-stitch project to work on ... it was on sale for 10 bucks! A eagle in the doesn't look TOO complicated and it goes along with all the other Eagle paraphenlia I am acquiring. Or maybe I will give it to my Dad -- like he doesn't have enough Eagle stuff in his place either...(being Eagle clan means lots of Eagle stuff. ;) ) It will take me probably six months to finish it anyway. Tim talked me out of getting the Kitten hanging from a branch "Hang in There" pattern because...yes it is cheesy and funny, but actually buying the kit and then cross-stitching it is a little too much. I guess I have to agree.

What a great, practical gift though. I am excited to make the aprons I cut out for myself and Hilary and would love to start ironing it tonight so I could sew it....but I just feel too darn crappy. And since I ate a Cinnabon I can't even work up an appettite to feed my darling. Maybe I will just make him shrimp poppers for dinner. I know, it's lame but we did have a good lunch - Franks N Beans.

We got new shoes too! I got two pairs...a pair of athletic shoes and nice pair of everyday shoes. I wore them when I tried to go the Indian Storytelling thing last night with Kathleen and Chuck. It was WAY packed and after standing the back and being bossed around by women with kids -- we just left before it even started. We went to the Weary Traveller and had a nice chat. I love that bar and it was nice to hang out those two. Such nice people. :)

Well, I just can't seem to get it together to write anything interesting. Or be interesting for that matter. I admire sick people who can still maintain a postive attitude very much right now.


Blogger Hilary said...

Holy crap, that is such an awesome present. Tim's parents RULE!!! I can't wait to see it. You'll have to wipe the drool from my chin. My sewing machine is from the 70's and it doesn't work. I'm so jealous. Oh man, now I'm having all kinds of fantasies about having a little store and sewing together, gossiping about the other shop owners...haha...*sigh*

8:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But this *was* interesting!

Star Wars Monopoly...awesome. If I were invited over sometime to play..*aherm* Dave has a Wall Street Monopoly game called "Take Stock" which is kind of amusing. You can buy stocks and came out in the 90s.

Congratulations on your sewing machine! I look forward to hearing about your projects. Maybe you will inspire me to use mine again someday.

11:00 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

A sewing machine!!! wow. That rocks.
I hope you feel better.

10:06 PM  

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