Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Today I am going on my first big business trip to just be extra admin help. It's a leadership conference in Eau Claire. I have been to several leadership conferences before -- but this is the first where I am on the other end. Of course I spent the morning getting ready by watching an old movie on TV, taking a long hot shower, putzing around on the internet...but I also did pack, and I think I have everything to go.

I burned my cheese sandwich for lunch today. That's what I get for forgetting I was cooking something -- good thing it was on low.

I won't be back until Thursday night...so... yeah.

I am gonna miss my darling. It's not often that I am the one away -- and he has to stick around the house dealing with surly animals. In fact, this is the first time since my grandmother passed away -- and when I came back from that I saw that all my plants had gone on to the other side too. Tim was just shuffling around the house looking lost.

Oh, I gotta pay some bills before I go though...


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