Our neighbor's are really helping us out by snowblowing the side walk and some of the driveway. Every year I usually make them a cookie tray -- but since I don't think I'll be doing that this year I need to think of another way to say thanks. That is super nice of them.
Carla you are right the Mylicon didn't work. In fact it seemed to make her feel even worse. I tried three times and was rewarded with an inconsolable baby for a long time afterward. Another person had suggested that it might be a dairy allergy and really that thought overwhelms and depresses me. I had thought I was okay with the lactose free stuff -- but apparently it's the proteins in dairy that is the problem.
Great, so I have colicy milk right now? They say that it can 10 days for you to notice a difference. So eliminating diary for 10 days...but you know looking at the literature I should also be avoiding: dairy (butter, cheese, all kind of milk, nougat), chocolate, caffeine, citrus, onions, beans.
I mean, what am I supposed to eat then? I don't know! How can I do this? I don't know. :( I hope that that gripe water gets here by tomorrow. I had read lots of people say that mylicon didn't work but that gripe water did. I mean, millions of Europeans can't be wrong can they? A part of me almost wishes that it was just colic and not some dairy allergy .... though another part of me says that I can do something about the diary allergy to make her feel better. But who can say? I wish there was some test I could do to simply see whether or not that is the problem.
Of course, everything also says that it will get better in 3-4 months. Yeah, that what is what EVERYTHING says. That is not very heartening to hear here at two and half weeks. That I have two and half months more of crying, unhappy, baby. I just feel so bad for her when there is nothing that seems to make her happy.
At least she is taking a nap now. The only way I could get her to sleep was to nurse her -- even with the nipple shield! And that took several attempts and at least two hours. She was up from 9-2 ish at this. And this was how she was last night too.
Cassidy not only cried, but screamed every night from 8PM until 3AM until we figured out the shower trick. That was somewhere around 12 weeks.
As for the dairy issue. Do you ever meet our friends Janet and Joe? They lived by us on the northside and now also live in Syracuse. Janet's baby had similar issues as Morella, and they finally cut out dairy. Janet reports that things are great now that they've made that change. When I told her how sorry I felt for her having to cut out dairy she replied that "hey, at least my baby sleeps!"
If you'd like I can put you in touch with her and perhaps you two can discuss some of the issues she had with the baby and see if this is something you should consider doing? Email me and let me know.. I can do an email introduction ;)
Hang in there, sleep when you can, try the gripe water, and do, try the shower trick!
Geez, I should really proof before hitting submit ;) ROFLMAO
I think sometimes people are too quick to diagnose a dairy allergy. Ruth's pediatrician said a dairy allergy will usually show blood in the stool. (I was worried by days of green liquidy stools which I thought were diarrhea, but they turned out to be normal - sometimes babies' developing GI systems pass food through more quickly and certain chemical reactions don't take place - thus, green stools.) I think other signs of milk allergy are a rash around the anus and vomiting.
It's very possible Morella is just drinking too quickly and gulping air. Or her digestive system is still working hard to develop.
If you pediatrician suspects an allergy, you won't give up all questionable foods at once. The goal is to figure out which ones cause the problem. So you drop dairy for a week and see if the situation improves. If not, you drop beans, or broccoli, or whatever. It can be a long process.
Anyway, stop Googling and listening to us moms who act like we know everything from our own limited experience - and talk to Morella's pediatrician. :-)
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