Tuesday, September 23, 2003

So today I joined a book club at the local library. I was the youngest person there and they were all women except one man who was obviously the husband of one the women (although he seemed way more interested in the book club than th wife/partner). The only thing I am wondering now, when the books come in, as they are provided by the library, will I have to check it out? Egads...I don't have a library card! I wonder if they have some kind of library rehabilitation/parole officer for book offenders like myself. I do have all the books that I checked out 8 years ago....I wonder if I give them back if they will erase my fee or something. Either that, or I have Tim go and check the book out for me. ... Eh. That is so pathetic.

Today was a pretty good day. I got up, knitted, watched Law and Order, spent some time outside, made a really good dinner of squash and "dirty mac." (mac n cheese, ground turkey, corn and onions). It was really good. I saw Pluto rip around the yard like a dog gone crazy! Wow he is fast. My hound is faster than yours. :P

Tonight I am going to try something a little different in my writing regime, which is to write in a note book instead of on the computer. I got myself into a rut where I feel like I have to type something if I want to write. Which is not the case, and I really enjoy writing long hand. This way, when I do have something I want to print, I am forcing myself to do a second draft by typing it out. My and drafting --- we don't get along too well. But first, I think I will read a bit.


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