Monday, September 20, 2004

As promised, I updated Week in Pictures. There are a lot of would seem but I guess it has been a long time. Enjoy.

Last night I had to buy Bengay for a back problem. That stuff is really really weird. It's hot and it's cold. It's strange. But it helped to dull the pain enough to fall asleep. Today the pain is gone but it is replaced with the first cold this year. I had a cold last year about this time...suck suck suck. Getting sick is for losers.

Which is certainly how I feel right about now.

I had a good time this weekend, as evidenced by the photos (which means I don't have to say much -- which is even better because I don't feel like it). Pluto went to his first sleepover *sniff* Our little boy is growing up- which I don't have pictures of but you should know that anyway.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

jeez - i thought erin and i had a lot of pez dispensers... you almost have more just of wonder woman! well, no... erin has a quite a few stashed away in one of her boxes, somewhere. and i just found the spider-man pez yesterday, cleaning out a box while i made room to hook up the satellite radio - which we can now listen to throughout the entire apartment.

the only thing i can tell you about getting sick is that i ate yogurt, every day for an entire year, when i was in the WCC - and i didn't get a single cold that year. not once!

you don't really see that many people all in one week, do you?! wow. that's more people than i usually see in a month - and that was before we moved to west virginia. good for you guys.

in other news, i also found my favorite pack of playing cards yesterday - the backs are shaped and decorated to look like a beer can. how cool is that?!

this was phil, of course.

7:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys always have such eventful weekends. Do you ever just lay around the house all weekend?
And that Hilary chick is totally hot.

11:53 AM  
Blogger zoey said...

yippy-skippy! just what i needed! thanks! i like the pictures you take...

that one of Pluto sleeping was neat... made me think of pyramids & stuff...

8:27 PM  
Blogger hadjare said...

Actually we only have two pez dispensers...that big collection (and the photos only show a tiny fraction of it) is from Eric's collection. He's crazy, one room is filled with them. He must like lots of lame candy.

8:42 PM  

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