Per Zoey's Request
4 jobs I've had in my life:
1 - got up at 5.30 in the am to ride bike 5 miles to kneel in mud and pick strawberries
2 - washed dusty old dishes and moved them from cupboard to cupboard
3 - Called WI residents to survey them on a variety of topics
4 - Bartended at the Inferno
4 movies I wouldn't mind watching over:
1 - Neverending Story
2 - Lord of the Rings
3 - The Last Starfighter
4 - Shrek
4 places I have lived:
1 - Neillsville, WI
2 - Chicago, IL
3 - madison, WI
4 - Wheeler, WI
4 TV shows I love to watch:
1 - Battlestar Gallatica
2 - Stargate SG1
3 - Farscape
4 - The Twilight Zone
4 places I have been on vacation:
1 - Shiprock, NM
2 - Kladno, Czech Republic
3 - Klaukula, Finland
4 - Edinburg, Scotland
4 websites I visit daily:
1 - livejournal
2 - chimera
3 - The Martins (aka twirlgirl)
4 - Hilary Sabonai
4 favourite foods:
1 - lasanga
2 - donuts
3 - mocha's
4 - fresh pineapple
4 places I'd rather be right now:
1 - Atlantis Resort
2 - shopping with someone else's money
3 - hanging out w/ Zoey (part cos of friends, and part cos it's WARM!)
4 - I have always wanted to be where there is blue water, white sand and hot sun.
4 people I'll tag with this list of questions meme:
1 - Hilary
2 - Eric
3 - James
4 - Jess
Why were you moving dishes from cupboard to cupboard?
I'm gonna do this, I swear.
4 jobs I've had in my life:
1 - I started working at 1am putting dog food on shelves at the local grocery store for £3.10 an hour.
2 - Taught highschool drop outs at a community college.........
3 - Sold band aids and other useless bits of medical equipment over the telephone (the agony!!)
4 - Where I currently am ...
4 movies I wouldn't mind watching over:
1 - When Harry Met Sally
2 - Lord of the Rings
3 - Star Wars
4 - Shrek
4 places I have lived:
1 - London, England
2 - Brooklyn Park, MN
3 - Waukegan, IL
4 - Kenosha, WI
4 TV shows I love to watch:
1 - The Sopranos
2 - Deadwood
3 - Any NFL Broadcast
4 - Cheers
4 places I have been on vacation:
1 - Guyana (South America)
2 - Every country in Western Europe
3 - San Diego & Yosemite in Cali
4 - Trinidad & Tobago
4 websites I visit daily:
1 -
4 favourite foods:
1 - curry
2 - pork chops
3 - Chicken Shack Chicken
4 - Sticky Toffee Pudding
4 places I'd rather be right now:
1 - Kenosha, WI (I am in the UK)
2 - Kickin' it in San Diego
3 - On a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition photoshoot
4 - Fishing in the Carribean
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