Thursday, October 07, 2004

Remember when I talked about the MTV Jedi father/son story a week or two ago? Well, guess who posted to my site..... check it out here.

How 'bout that?

Yeah so I am a crafting...did research today and decided on a price....and what did I make? Hand crafted based on original designs-- beaded dog collars...martingale style (also known as the humane collar -- or sight hound collars) . I need to get five more done by next Saturday and we are going to donate one to the Greyhound Gala as well. I also need to make some business cards and an information sheet.... Lots to do.

Lets see other than that...sushi party Saturday night I am looking forward too. And... uh.... um....geez, I guess that is about it. I swear that there was more in store for this weekend though. I will probably remember later. That reminds me, I need to RSVP to the sister in law for her wedding later this month. Talk about lazy...luckily I can blame it all on Tim.


Blogger Teresa said...

not to put any more pressure on you, but our baby needs a pretty collar and a beaded one sounds really cool -- could you post or e-mail some pictures for me?

we attended our own Greyhound Gala, Greyfest, last weekend. the person who was supposed to have a booth with really nice handmade collars never showed up. and i lost the silent auction for the pretty, girly collar i bid on.

i joke about how sara still has only the outfit she wore home from the orphanage ; ) actually, i bought her an embroidered collar off eBay but it turned out to be wider than i expected and it looks better on brando the afghan, our recent addition.

10:42 AM  

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