Thursday, September 23, 2004

I have post sick fever! That means, I have lots of mental energy to do stuff but none of the stamina. I took Pluto on a pathetic forty minute walk where he dragged ME most of the way. It's a nice day outside though. Hell the whole week has been pretty nice.

I got a call from one of the jobs that rejected me, asking if it was okay that they pass my resume on to another LTE position that was just created (but not yet sent to HR). I said sure. No I don't know anything about the job, but the thought was nice. I used to do that...if I found a person I thought was great I would let them know about another job.

I watched Calandar Girls last night -- a movie about old, naked, english chicks. It was pretty good. I liked it.


Blogger zoey said...

i liked Calendar Girls. i'm tired. one of those days that i ask--"what's the point?" ...actually, it's been one of those years. z

8:38 PM  

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